Thus we want to add labels that specify the year and answer to the question or value of inc. Below we create a loop that adds the variable label and new value labels simultaneously. /* apply the variable & value labels as variable labels */ /* variables are in form answeryear inc...
> You could do that. You would need to look up any value labels that were attached and add these to one axis as further labelled points on that axis. You wouldn't need to change any data even on the fly as by definition such categories correspond to bars of zero length, which need ...
Will it be possible to provide me the XML. For example I want to highlight the server vmp-stata-01 as Red as it has one "critical" Severity field and 8 "OK" 0 Karma Reply ITWhisperer SplunkTrust 08-03-2023 08:14 AM Please share your dashboard source for this panel in ...
Table 1. Theories explaining potential changes due to digital transformation. TheoryMechanisms supporting the market share–profitability relationshipChange of market share–profitability relationship due to digital transformation Efficiency theory Economies of scale; learning curve effects; barriers to entry + ...
Why reprex? Getting unstuck is hard. Your first step here is usually to create a reprex, or reproducible example. The goal of a reprex is to package your code, and information about your problem so that others can run it…
My State object is in a non-Xamarin project, so it doesn't know about Device. I also feel like a library or business object like this shouldn't need to care about its downstream usage to this degree. It seems to me that Xamarin Forms shouldn't be listening to change events...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
First, we will just perform the normalization directly in the middle of our analysis script. In Stata, we call analysis scripts do-files because they do something. Let’s normalize the variable namedx. I don’t like to change the content of existing variables, so I am going to create a...
Secondly, whenever I refer to an explicit value, I use the"string":labelname form: replace revenue=100 if country== "Australia":country It's a bit verbose, but prevents the problem that you mentioned. Inthis form, Stata looks up "Australia" in the label country, finds thenumeric value ...
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