Thus we want to add labels that specify the year and answer to the question or value of inc. Below we create a loop that adds the variable label and new value labels simultaneously. /* apply the variable & value labels as variable labels */ /* variables are in form answeryear inc...
Corporate shadow banking (Bank) is chosen as a mediating variable. To assess the degree of corporate shadow banking, we used 李建军和韩珣 (2019) measurement method, which involves dividing “the sum of entrusted wealth management, entrusted loans, private lending, and financial products” by total...
5.inlist (tag values within a variable) 1.numlabel, add 1.Collapse 2.Levelsof var, local(varval) 3.Tab var, g(vardum) 4.Pause on 5.And of course... Reshape. 1.Fre 2.Margins 3.Coefplot 4.Khb 5.Svy 1.list 2.label 3.tab1 4.bysort 5.test 6.svy set 7.mi 8.foreach 1....
label variable `var' "`=`var'[1]'" replace `var' = "" if _n == 1 destring `var' , replace } drop in 1/2 foreach Q of varlist Trddt{ g LDD = date(`Q' , "YMD") format %td LDD g year = year(LDD) drop LDD } destring St, force replace order St y destring *a *c...
*6、数据标签labeldata " " //表示将该组stata数据起标签为labelvar y " " //表示将变量y起标签为 *为观测值加标签Definevalue labellabeldefine lblname # "label" [# "label" ...] [, add modify replace nofix] *7、升序降序 sortvarlist [in] [, stable]*案例sysuseautokeepmake mpg weightsort...
S458862 ENCODELABEL: Stata module to encode string variable into categorical variable byDaniel Klein S458861 OMEGA: Stata module to calculate the omega reliability coefficient byBrian Shaw S458860 CROSSVALIDATE: Stata module to perform k-fold crossvalidation ...
*/webusece nsus10clear/ 美国人口普查数据des第三列显示了数据的格式display formatvariable n amestorage typedisplay formatvalue labelvariable labelstat 21、estr14%14sStateregi onint%8.0gcenregCen sus regi onpoplong%11.0gPopulati onmedagefloat%9.0gMedia n age*注意到,stata变量的格式为14s,表示右...
variable name type format label variable label --- id int %8.0g child identifier age float %8.0g age in years weight float %8.0g weight in Kg brthwt int %8.0g Birth weight in g girl float %9.0g bg gender --- Sorted by: id age 该...
请看看Stata对encode的说明:encode creates a new variable named newvar based on the string variable varname, creating, adding to, or just using (as necessary) the value label newvar or, if specified, name. Do not use encode if varname contains numbers that merely happen to be stored as ...
26、ns data from .stata-press./data/r9/destringLdtaobs: 10vars: 5 3 Mar 2005 10:15size: 240 (99.9% of memory free)storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelid str3 %9snum str3 % 9scode str4 % 9s total str5 % 9s income str5 % 9s.sum因为所有变量为字符型...