aureus that have occurred since 1940 and their common features. The evolution of the mobile chromosome cassette element SCCmec, which carries mecA, the gene that determines resistance to methicillin and the entire class of β-lactam antibiotics, is also reviewed. The clinical and molecular ...
Against methicillin - resistant tribes of staphylococcus aureus, effective antibioticsLinear siloxane-polyoxyalkylene (AB)n block copolymers having an average molecular weight of at least about 30,000, compositions of polyurethane-forming froths containing said copolymers, the curable froths produced from ...
1、methicillinresistantStaphylococcusaureus(MRSA) vancomycinisthefirstchoiceforthetreatmentofMRSAand Enterococcusinfections.MRSAinfectioncanchoose glycopeptidevancomycin,teicoplanin,orbydrugsensitivity withrifampicinfosfomycin.Althoughglycopeptideantibiotics arethemosteffectiveantiMRSAdrugs,theyareresistantto vancomycinandStaphyloc...
Most skin/soft tissue infections are relatively benign with a good response to I&D ± antibiotics, although recurrent infections can occur in some. Rarely, serious disease with ornecrotizing fasciitismay occur. Probably not a frequent cause of cellulitis in the absence of purulence (abscess) or wou...
The Journal of Antibiotics63,492–498 (2010)Cite this article 2795Accesses 16Citations Metrics Abstract We describe a collection of antibiotic-activatedStaphylococcus aureuspromoter-luxreporter strains that can be used to discriminate among antibiotic classes on the basis of their light production response...
chronic infections.MRSA(methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus) strains are resistant to multiple antibiotics including all β-lactams. They cause infections in hospitalized patients and more recently virulent strains of MRSA have emerged in the community. New antibiotics have been introduced to combat ...
Antibiotics, skin and soft tissue infection and meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: cause and effect 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 58 作者: IM Gould 摘要: Staphylococcus aureus is not a new cause of skin and soft tissue infection, but the significance of the Panton-Valentine leukocid...
forming the blood vessels, a process via which they can persist in the bloodstream to become pathogens. These new cell wall structures may also allow the spread of methicillin resistance, by transferring it, for example, fromStaphylococcus epidermidisto its more dangerous relativeStaphylococcus aureus....
believe that our approach is more likely to be successful in a real-world application than the use of antibiotics, some of which we have found to be relatively ineffective against 24 h S. aureusbiofilms even at multiples of the minimal inhibitory concentration. Although a final determination...
subpopulations was promoted by the coordinated activity of phenol-soluble modulins and peptidoglycan-targeting autolysins30. Additional routes of MV formation in lysogenic and non-lysogenicS. aureusstrains were shown to be induced by a variety of different antibiotics, which had consequences on the DNA...