'--req', f'sdf_filename: "{urdf_path}", name: "urdf_model"'], output='screen' )) return ld 该文件首先定义了一系列变量,确定各个文件位置,然后读取urdf文件内容。需要特别留意的是,由于我们urdf文件引用了stl文件,引用形式为 package://;而gazebo会将urdf转为sdf文件,引用形式自动转为model://, ...
URDF中的路径位置与功能包包本身相关。 如果你没有rospack,则需要手动更改路径,以便它们使用URDF文件引用电脑上的位置。 如果您使用rospack,则需要将该包添加到$ ROS_PACKAGE_PATH中的某个位置。 如果你发现你的网格(meshes)太复杂了,你可以参考教程tutorial for improving complicated assembly exports来简化你的复杂模...
Hi, I have a problem to ask for help. When V-REP imports the urdf file export by SW2018, it has errors: "ERROR: file couldn't be opened." and "ERROR: there is no robot in the file." Could you give me some ideals? Thank you.
I would like to generate URDF from Solidworks and for that, I must have Solidworks CAD model. I want to learn from the basics. For that, I need simple cad models of Franka Emika Panda arm. I want to assemble them in Solidworks and then I can generate the corresponding URDF. ...
VTK中的装配体(vtkAssembly) Actors有时也会组合在一起形成层次结构,当其中的某个Actor运动时,会影响到其他Actor的位置.例如,一个机械手臂可能由上臂.前臂.手腕和末端等部分通过关节连接起来.当上臂绕着肩关节旋转时,我们希望的是其他部分也会跟着运动.这种行为的实现就要用到Assembly,vtkAssembly是vtkActor的子类,...
Hi, I am using SP 5.0 SW2018 and the exported STL coordinate is not the coordinate I indicated in the software. How to solve this problem?twhuhn mentioned this issue Mar 17, 2021 Meshes are created in the global coordinate system, when Origin-CS is located in subassembly #116 Open ...
This PR allows the URDF exporter to output mesh files not only in STL format but also in 3DXML format. This enables the export of models with color information. This does not destroy the original functions. This solves this issue.
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion 17 SW2URDF/UI/AssemblyExportForm.cs Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -307,7 +307,22 @@ private void FinishExport(bool exportSTL) Exporter.PackageName = Path.GetFileName(saveFileDialog1.FileName); logger.Info("Saving URDF ...