JAVA 程序使用 OceanBase JDBC 驱动连接 OceanBase 数据库时,出现如下错误:unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server)。 问题原因 当客户端在等待 SQL 执行在数据库中返回的过程中,发现链接被远端断开,程序则会抛出该错误。可能的原因有: ...
进入连接后报错 socket write error 或者 closed by server 更新时间:2023-10-09 17:00:43 编辑 分享 问题现象 连接OBProxy 时,ODC 频繁出现连接已断开提示,但是直连 OBServer 则无此问题。 报错信息可能包括: Connection reset by peer: socket write error unexpeted end of steam, read 0 bytes from 4(soc...
【问题描述】 执行SQL 失败,错误详情:Could not connect to address=(host= : Could not connect to : unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server) 2150×1512 298 KB 客户端可以直接连接 1876×690 83.8 ...
驱动程序无法通过使用安全套接字层(SSL)加密与 SQL Server 建立安全连接。错误:“Socket closed”。 1. 使用Eclipse ,jdk8,sqljdbc42.jar,运行没问题,结果Android出错了。 2.查询解决方案,改用jtds-1.3.1.jar,进行驱动 原: String URL ="jdbc:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=abc"; 现: String...
最近在使用Jedis pool的时候,写好的servlet程序一经高并发的测试,就会抛出各种Exception,像JedisConnectionException: Socket closed;Unknown reply: ; It seems like server has closed the connection.等等。在网上查了好多资料,很多都说和Redis的timeout的默认设置有关,timeout默认设置是300...
private void close(final ChannelPromise promise, final Throwable cause, final ClosedChannelException closeCause, final boolean notify) { ...省略连接关闭之前的校验工作... //当前channel是否active,这里肯定是active的 final boolean wasActive = isActive(); final ChannelOutboundBuffer outboundBuffer = this....
host:主机,通常不主动翻译; server:服务器/服务端,通常不主动翻译; client:客户端,通常不主动翻译; interface:界面; Loopback interface:闭环界面,特指localhost中的数据接口,可以直接理解为localhost; namedtuple:命名元组,有时也不做翻译; Table of Contents ...
isClosed(): 假设Socket已经连接到远程主机, 而且还没有关闭, 则返回true , 否则返回false . isConnected(): 假设Socket以前连接到远程主机, 则返回true , 否则返回false . isBound(): 假设Socket已经与一个本地port绑定, 则返回true , 否则返回false . ...
Private Declare Function accept Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal s As Long, ByRef addr As SOCKADDR, ByRef addrlen As Long) As Long Private Declare Function send Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal s As Long, ByVal buf As String, ByVal lLen As Long, ByVal flags As Long) As Long ...
Version: Python: 3.6.7 Redis: 3.2.7 (Azure Redis) Redis-py: 3.2.0 Django: 2.1.1 Description: Hi Experts, Our service met a similar issue with the issue #1127 3.1.0 causing intermittent connection closed by server error. By reviewing the ...