JAVA 程序使用 OceanBase JDBC 驱动连接 OceanBase 数据库时,出现如下错误:unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server)。 问题原因 当客户端在等待 SQL 执行在数据库中返回的过程中,发现链接被远端断开,程序则会抛出该错误。可能的原因有: ...
连接OBProxy 时,ODC 频繁出现连接已断开提示,但是直连 OBServer 则无此问题。 报错信息可能包括: Connection reset by peer: socket write error unexpeted end of steam, read 0 bytes from 4(socket was closed by server) 报错信息示例: 弹窗形式
Remove all placeholder texts including this message here. Describe the bug I can't log into a custom game server at all. don't know why. this comes up on the log. I can go in, select the realm, but when I double click to connect, it disconnects me. Password and username is correc...
当Go gRPC 服务偶尔返回“Socket Closed”错误时,排查问题可以从以下两个方面入手: 检查是否存在 Panic: 服务器在发生 panic 时会主动断开连接,因此可以检查服务是否发生 panic。 检查连接类型及时间设置: 如果使用的是长连接,则可能出现连接时间设置不合理,导致连接超时或断开。 以上就是《Go gRPC 服务偶现“Socket ...
不管是“结束服务器连接,游戏即将结束”或者“Socket Closed by Pre Server!”以及 “与服务器连接终止,客户端即将终止(FieldWinSocket WS_CLOSED)”等等..弹你出来是因为你机器少几个DLL文件..查起来比较麻烦..常见的却dwmapi.dll , msctf.dll , mpr.dll ,KERNEL32.DLL 建议你找个网站..你...
java socket 一直在读 java socket closed怎么解决 一、在java网络编程Socket通信中,通常会遇到以下异常情况: 第1个异常是 already in use: JVM_Bind。 该异常发生在服务器端进行new ServerSocket(port)(port是一个0,65536的整型值)操作时。异常的原因是以为与port一样的一个端口...
Then the Server through the second socket sends the file to the client. After the client receives the file tries to send back to the server a Transfer Done Message. There I get the Exception for the closed socket. However I never close the socket up until now. I only close the...
Describe the bug We get occasionally the following error message: "java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException", message: "(conn=801) unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server) Logs {"via":[{"type":"java...
<-- ACK --> CLOSED tcp是全双工:: close()会关闭读写。 shutdown()可以选择性的关闭读、写或读写。 主动关系SOCKET链接的一方,会进入TIME_WAIT(作用是防止最后一个ACK包丢失) TIME_WAIT的时间会非常长,因此server尽量减少主动关闭连接。 close和shutdown的区别: ...
javasocket客户端断线重连 java socket is closed, 客户/server通信模式,client需要主动创造和serverSocket(套接字),server端收到了client的连接请求,也会创建与客户连接的Socket.Socket可看做是通信连接两端的收发器,server与client都通过Socket来收发数