"socket closed by server" 是一个在网络编程中常见的错误,表示客户端与服务器之间的连接被服务器意外关闭。下面是对这个错误的详细解释、可能的原因以及解决方法。 1. 解释“socket closed by server”的含义 “socket closed by server” 错误表明,在客户端尝试与服务器进行通信的过程中,服务器主动关闭了连接。这...
链接断开 socket was closed by server OBProxy 间歇性断连 OBProxy 修改 proxyro@sys 用户密码后,代理链接报错 reading authorization packet OBProxy 由于内存使用超限导致应用报错:Connection reset 应用断链,OB 日志显示 TCP errno(104) 的问题分析 ODP 创建的逻辑库连接不上 ...
连接OBProxy 时,ODC 频繁出现连接已断开提示,但是直连 OBServer 则无此问题。 报错信息可能包括: Connection reset by peer: socket write error unexpeted end of steam, read 0 bytes from 4(socket was closed by server) 报错信息示例: 弹窗形式
执行SQL 失败,错误详情:Could not connect to address=(host= : Could not connect to : unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server) 2150×1512 298 KB 客户端可以直接连接 1876×690 83.8 KB 闻牛 2022...
OceanBase经分业务抽数 Error:(conn=25216) unexpected end of stream, read 0 bytes from 4 (socket was closed by server) 事件背景:由于省库压力较大,业务连接弱读节点时,偶尔忘记加弱读参数后仍会路由到主,导致生产故障,对省库搭建备库后,经分抽数类业务迁移到备库...
Connection reset by peer: socket write error unexpeted end of steam, read 0 bytes from 4(socket was closed by server) Possible causes If the ODP is configured with a persistent connection anduser_timeoutis set to a smaller value, when packet loss occurs, the ACK packet may not be return...
驱动程序无法通过使用安全套接字层(SSL)加密与 SQL Server 建立安全连接。错误:“Socket closed”。 1.使用Eclipse ,jdk8,sqljdb...
CLOSED->LISTEN->SYN收到->ESTABLISHED->CLOSE_WAIT->LAST_ACK->CLOSED 温馨提示: (1)主动端出现大量的FIN_WAIT1时需要注意网络是否畅通、出现大量的FIN_WAIT2需要仔细检查程序为何迟迟收不到对端的FIN(可能是主动方或者被动方的bug)、出现大量的TIME_WAIT需要注意系统的并发量/socket句柄资源/内存使用/端口号资源...