Poor sleep hygiene is not the only cause of insomnia. Mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and stress (for example, posttraumatic stress disorder, loss of spouse or financial problems) may also cause insomnia. In addition, medications used to treat some of these mental health prob...
"However, I have young patients who only sleep five hours a day. They go to bed after the last class finishes at 11 pm and wake up as early as 5:30 am for an early workout," he said during an event held over the weekend ahead of this year's World Sleep Day on Thursday. “然...
10. Changes in sleep hygiene behaviors (e.g., not having a regular sleep/wake time). Sleep hygiene refers to behaviors that promote sleep quantity and quality. Examples of poor sleep hygiene include: doing non-sleep activities (e.g., watching TV), using tobacco products, drinking caffeine a...
Behavioral therapyto help improve sleep hygiene or bedtime routines; help you cut back on caffeine or alcohol; and help you manage stress,anxiety, or other mental health issues Medical checkups, which can diagnose or rule out serious conditions like chronic pain,cancer, or neurological conditions ...
Treatment for sleep disorders can vary depending on the specific condition and its underlying cause. Lifestyle changes such as improving sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine or alcohol before bedtime, and establishing a consistent sleep routine may be helpful for some individuals. Additionally, medication, ...
If you or someone you know has ever struggled with sleep, daytime alertness, or has recently been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, From Sleep Disorders to Sleep Health can be a helpful guide. In this course, you’ll explore the [...] Sleep Disorders Sleep Health Sleep Sleep Hygiene ...
Therefore, we conducted this study to investigate the effect of sleep hygiene training on sleep quality and mental health in patients with substance abuse. We conducted this randomized controlled clinical trial on 74 patients and divided them into intervention and control groups (n = 37). Before ...
“While scientists haven’t yet studied thoroughly the connection between mental illnesses and sleep, it is believed that a healthy sleep hygiene is able to help patients foster both emotional and mental resilience, which can help reduce the severity of some of the symptoms. Just like that, a ...
Taking steps to improve sleep hygiene can help a person with insomnia grab a few more hours of much needed sleep. Is insomnia a mental illness? No, insomnia is not considered a mental illness. However, doctors may work with insomnia patients to determine if there’s an underlying mental ...
The following keywords were used: “sleep recommender system”, “sleep hygiene recommender system”, “self-experimentation sleep recommendation”, and “mHealth sleep”. Snowballing was performed to find related references. Both journal and conference articles were included if the recommendations ...