Single-layer MoS₂ transistors.Radisavljevic, BRadenovic, ABrivio, JGiacometti, VKis, A
It has been shown that Gr/TMDC/Gr-based phototransistors can show a photoresponsivity of 0.1 AW−1[62]. Later, realization of an ultrasensitive SL MoS2 photodetector has been demonstrated with an very high photoresponsivity of 880 AW−1[68]. Such a high responsivity is a consequence of ...
Temperature dependent thermal conductivity of single- and bi- layer MoS$_{2}$ and MoSe$_{2}$ Thin layer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) materials have received extensive interests in recent years. In this work, for the first time we systematically investigated and compared the thermal tran...
effecttransistorsbyscanningphotocurrentmicroscopy.Wefindthat, unlikeinmanyothersemiconductors,thephotocurrentgenerationin single-layerMoS 2 isdominatedbythephotothermoelectriceffectand notbytheseparationofphotoexcitedelectron−holepairsacrossthe SchottkybarriersattheMoS ...
The AlN interfacial layer not only promotes the conformal deposition of high-quality Al2O3 on the dangling-bond free MoS2, but also greatly enhances the electrical stability of the MoS2 transistors. Very small hysteresis (ΔVth) is observed even at large gate biases and high temperatures. The...
The electronic structures of a MoS2 monolayer are investigated with the all-electron first principle calculations based on the density functional theory (D
Using first principle calculations we have investigated the structure stabilities, electronic and optical properties of single layer planar penta-X2N4 (X = Ni, Pd and Pt). According to the calculated phonon dispersion relation and elastic constants, as well as ab initio molecular dynamics simul...
Plasma Modified MoS 2 Nanoflakes for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Small 10, 1090–1095 (2014). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Xu, H., Xie, L., Zhang, H. & Zhang, J. Effect of Graphene Fermi Level on the Raman Scattering Intensity of Molecules on Graphene. ACS Nano 5, 5338...
Hysteresis in single-layer MoS 2 field effect transistors. Late, Dattatray J.,Liu, Bin,Matte, H. S. S. Ramakrishna,Dravid, Vinayak P.,Rao, C.N.R. ACS Nano . 2012Late, D. J.; Liu, B.; Ramakrishna Matte, H. S. S.; Dravid, V. P.; Rao, C. N. R. Hysteresis in Single-...