single-nuclei RNA-sequencingsingle-nucleus RNA-sequencingThis paper provides a laboratory workflow for single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) including a protocol for gentle nuclei isolation from fresh frozen tumor biopsies, making it possible to analyze biobanked material. To develop this protocol...
Single-cell RNA-seq is a powerful tool in decoding the heterogeneity in complex tissues by generating transcriptomic profiles of the individual cell. Here, we report a single-nuclei RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) transcriptomic study on human retinal tissue, which is composed of multiple cell types with d...
Single-nuclei RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) has recently arisen as an alternative to single-cell methods13. An advantage of snRNA-seq is a rapid dissociation protocol that does not require either protease digestion or heating, reducing the likelihood of aberrant transcription. Spurious gene expression is als...
采用 DropSeq,DroNc-seq和10xChromium平台(平台差异详见Comparative Analysis of Droplet-Based Ultra-High-Throughput Single-Cell RNA-Seq Systems)分别进行单细胞和单细胞核转录组分析,比较不同的样品类型对单细胞结果产生的影响。
UsingsinglenucleiforRNA-seqtocapturethetranscriptomeof postmortemneurons SugunaRaniKrishnaswami 1,9 ,RashelVGrindberg 2,9 ,MarkNovotny 1 ,PratapVenepally 3 , BenjaminLacar 4 ,KunalBhutani 1 ,SaraBLinker 4 ,SonPham 4 ,JenniferAErwin 4 ,JeremyA Miller 5 ,RebeccaHodge 5 ,JamesKMcCarthy 1 ,Marti...
We present a snRNASeq protocol and compare its results with scRNA-seq. Two nuclear suspensions were prepared in lysis buffer on ice while one cell suspension was generated using enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. Cells and nuclei were processed using the 10x Genomics platform, and sequencing ...
scRNA-seq: Single-cell RNA sequencing JEV: Japanese encephalitis virus CNS: Central nervous system DMEM: Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium dpi: Days post infection IHC: Immunohistochemistry FISH: Fluorescence in situ hybridization UMI: Unique molecular identifier ...
Single nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA﹕eq) has the potential to improve our understanding of the cellular﹕pecific drivers of sporadic Alzheimer's disease. In this study we re゛nalyze published snRNA﹕eq data from post﹎ortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex tissue from 48 participants in the ...
Single-cell RNA sequencing methods Several methods, full-length or tag-based, were published under scRNA-seq where each protocol offers its own advantages and applicability. Generally, scRNA-seq includes four steps: (a) single cells or single nuclei isolation and lysis from extracellular matrix and...
Single nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) has evolved as a powerful tool to study complex human diseases. Single cell resolution enables the study of novel cell types, biological processes, cell trajectories, and cell–cell signaling pathways. snRNA-