确定一下 cell 名的组成,构建好 metadata(行名) 和 count(列名) 矩阵能够对应 过滤掉外源 RNA (ERCC) 合并成为 seurat 对象 计算线粒体(MT),核糖体的 RNA(^RP[SL]) 比例并筛选数据 我们先处理第一个表达矩阵 # 这个是治疗前的第一个表达矩阵 # 导入数据 raw.data = read.csv('csv_files/S01_datafin...
We developed an integrated database named scREAD (single-cell RNA-Seq database for Alzheimer's disease), which is as far as we know the first database dedicated to the management of all the existing scRNA-Seq and snRNA-Seq data sets from the human postmortem brain tissue with AD and ...
scMLnet is an R package developed to construct inter-/intracellular multilayer singaling network based on single-cell RNA-seq expression data. scMLnet constructs the multilayer network by integrating intercellular pathways (ligand-receptor interactions) and intracellular subnetworks (receptor-TF pathways an...
527 -- 32:30 App single cell RNA-seq 简介 136 -- 36:19 App How to analyze single-cell RNA-Seq data in R 6845 26 12:30 App 什么是RNA-seq(上) 1.7万 3 27:11 App 【生信技术】测序数据差异表达分析|导入、加载、整理、分析,RNA-Seq数据的差异分析操作,跟着操作你就对了 231 -- 33...
The count table, a numeric matrix of genes × cells, is the basic input data structure in the analysis of single-cell RNA-sequencing data. A common preprocessing step is to adjust the counts for variable sampling efficiency and to transform them so that the variance is similar across th...
针对于初入门者的single-cell RNA-seq数据分析在线课程资料: Analysis of single cell RNA-seq datahemberg-lab.github.io/scRNA.seq.course/ 主讲人Vladimir Kiselev主编SC3和scmap两个single-cell RNA-seq数据分析包,其导师Martin Hemberg是剑桥教授。 有意思的是,现在R里处理single-cell RNA sequencing的package...
2017年发表在Nature Methods杂志上的SCENIC[1]算法,利用单细胞RNA-seq数据,同时进行基因调控网络重建和细胞状态鉴定,应用于肿瘤和小鼠大脑单细胞图谱数据,提出并证明了顺式调控网络分析能够用于指导转录因子和细胞状态的鉴定。SCENIC通过使用生物学驱动的features自动清除肿瘤样本特异性等批次效应。
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has revolutionized transcriptomic studies by providing unprecedented cellular and molecular throughputs, but spatial information of individual cells is lost during tissue dissociation. While imaging-based technologi
cell QC 1.库的大小 hist( umi$total_counts, breaks = 100 ) abline(v = 25000, col = "red") 这幅图表示每个cell检测到的总RNA的count数的分布情况,我们拟定小于25000的将被去除 2.捕获的genes 我们计算每个sample中唯一被检测到的基因的总数,即被检测到的基因有多少个(唯一的,无重复基因名) ...
Link to detailed Single-cell RNA-seq database table can be found here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fJuOeglSEjBIJbPOSONIX-zleyIaLn2ukT6DCxOn2k4/edit#gid=0 Databases brief overview: Primary single-cell databases #DatabaseYearPMIDCitationsURLWeb InterfaceNumber of studies / datasetNu...