In this paper, we describe a single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) dataset that defines vascular and vessel-associated cell types and subtypes in mouse brain and lung. The dataset contains 3,436 single cell transcriptomes from mouse brain, which formed 15 distinct clusters corresponding to cell...
These epigenomic datasets provide a detailed and comprehensive census of the diversity of cell types across mouse brain regions, allowing identification of cell-type-specific regulatory elements and their candidate target genes and upstream transcription factors. Here we construct a single-cell base-resolu...
We use this high-resolution spatial map to characterize fundamental steps in the patterning of the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB) and the developing gut tube. We uncover axes of cell differentiation that are not apparent from single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data, such as early dorsal...
Different types of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are essential for auditory perception by transmitting complex auditory information from hair cells (HCs) to the brain. Here, we use deep, single cell transcriptomics to study the molecular mechanisms that govern their identity and organization in mice...
1、小鼠神经星形胶质细胞提取物Mouse Brain: Normal Nerve AstrocytesDerivatives所有的细胞表面均有由磷脂双分子层与镶嵌蛋白质及糖被构成的生物膜,即细胞膜。 2、所有的细胞都含有两种核酸:即DNA与RNA。 3、作为遗传信息复制与转录的载体。 4、作为蛋白质合成的机器—核糖体,毫无例外地存在于一切细胞内,核糖体,是...
Single cell RNA seq GLP-1 PPG-cells L-cells Mass spectrometry 5-HT 1. Introduction Enteroendocrine preproglucagon-expressing PPG-cells (traditionally known as L-cells) secrete the gut hormones glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and peptideYY (PYY) and are important regulators of glucose metabolism...
小鼠脑成纤维细胞提取物Mouse Brain: Normal Brain Fibroblasts Derivatives对于贴壁细胞,传代可参考以下方法: 1.弃去培养上清,用不含钙、镁离子的PBS润洗细胞1-2次。 2.加2ml消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培养瓶中,置于37℃培养箱中消化1-2分钟,然后在显微镜下观察Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞|细胞消化情况,若细胞大...
该分析证明了使用RAPIDS加速使用单个 GPU 分析 100 万个细胞的单细胞 RNA 序列数据。然而,实验只处理了前 100 万个细胞,而不是整个 130 万个细胞。因此,在单细胞 RNA 数据的工作流中处理所有 130 万个细胞的时间几乎是单个 V100 GPU 的两倍。另一方面,相同的工作流在单个 NVIDIA A100 40G...
We have generated and analysed the first deep sequencing dataset of small RNA sequences of the developing mouse brain. The analysis revealed a novel miRNA,miR-3099, with potential regulatory effects on early embryogenesis, and involvement in neuronal cell differentiation/function in the brain during ...
Allen Cell Types Database—raising the number included from just over 1,000 to slightly more than 1,900 cells—as well as adding new neuronal connectivity information to the Allen Mouse Brain Connectivity Atlas and adding more single-cell transcriptomics data from mouse, human and macaque brain ...