RNA sequencingMammalian energy homeostasis is primarilly regulated by the hypothalamus and hindbrain, with the hippocampus, midbrain nuclei, and other regions implicated by evidence from human genetics studies. To understand how these non-canonical brain regions respond to imbalances in energy homeostasis...
BrainRNA-SeqProfilingoftheMucopolysaccharidosisTypeIIMouse 系统标签: seqbrainrnamouseprofiling多糖 InternationalJournalof MolecularSciences Article BrainRNA-SeqProfilingoftheMucopolysaccharidosis TypeIIMouseModel MarikaSalvalaio 1,2 ,FrancescaD’Avanzo 1,2, *,LauraRigon 1,2 ,AlessandraZanetti 1,2 , Mic...
Brain development begins a few weeks after conception and is thought to be complete by early adulthood. Establishment of distinct neural circuits requires the coordination of a complex set of spatial and temporal neurodevelopmental events1. In mammals, microglia, the resident immune cells of the CNS,...
To facilitate the use of our single-cell datasets, an online tool was generated for evaluation of gene expression at single-cell resolution:www.brainimmuneatlas.org. All gene–cell count matrices can also be downloaded via this link. In addition, all scRNA-seq and bulk RNA-seq data are als...
[j],2),"% variability)",sep="")p=qplot(PC1,PC2,data=plotData,color=species,shape=tissue,xlab=xlabel,ylab=ylabel)+scale_shape_manual(values=c("adipose"=0,"adrenal"=1,"brain"=2,"sigmoid"=3,"heart"=4,"kidney"=5,"liver"=6,"lung"=7,"ovary"=8,"pancreas"=9,"small_bowel"=10,...
继续打卡,最近上线的一篇在Nature Method上的由国人开发的一个单细胞谱系示踪的工作。题目是:Comprehensivespatiotemporalmapping of single-cell lineages in developing mouse brain by CRISPR-based barcoding。也是今天BioArt推送的公众号文章,因为加了spatiotemporal的关键词,感觉文章还不错呢。
Post-mortem Brain Tissue Other + Circular RNA Gene Fusions HT Transcript Validation Long Non-coding RNA RNAseq Validation Single Cell Analysis Splice Variant miRNA RNA & Protein + Antibody Challenges Dual ISH + IHC Methods No Antibodies RNA & Protein Analysis ...
Insights from spatially mapped gene expression in the mouse brain The growing number of publicly available databases of murine gene expression arising from genomic-scale transcriptome/proteome profiling projects allows op... Susan M. Sunkin and John G. Hohmann - 《Human Molecular Genetics》 被引量:...
RNA-seq analysis of sex-specific LPS-responsive genes in FACS-purified astrocytes Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Hasel, P., Rose, I.V.L., Sadick, J.S. et al. Neuroinflammatory astrocyte subtypes in the mouse brain. Nat Neurosci 24, 1475...
[36]. An expansion of the muscle transcriptome was expected based on the recent comparison between the microarray and RNA-Seq methods in brain tissue [37], and illustrates the superior sensitivity of RNA-Seq. This set of data, therefore, provides a benchmark of expression levels of different ...