# "matrix.mtx.gz" 行是探针 ID,列是细胞 ID sce <- Read10X('test1/filtered_feature_bc_matrix/') # min.cells 某一个基因至少在多少个基因中表达 # min.features 某个细胞至少表达多少个基因 sce<- CreateSeuratObject(counts=sce, project = "10X_PBMC", min.cells =3, min.features =150) 计算...
问题再多总有解决的办法,迅速锁定并保持细胞状态的“定身诀”来了!欧易生物正式推出 10× Genomics Single Cell Gene Expression Flex单细胞转录组测序技术(以下简称FLEX),采用4%的多聚甲醛(PFA)对细胞进行固定,一步锁定RNA表达状态, 解决了样本储存、多样本批次处理的问题,而且还配备更加实惠的混样测序整体解决方案...
10x Genomics Chromium GEM-X单细胞解决方案,是基于Chromium X系列仪器,将单细胞基因表达(3’)kit升级为Chromium GEM-X Single Cell Gene Expression v4,将单细胞免疫组(5’)kit升级为Chromium GEM-X Single Cell Immune Profiling v3,此次试剂的升级,将大幅提升单细胞检测的性能,助力拓展肿瘤、免疫、发育、疾病等...
BioSciTools单细胞转录组10X-Genomics SingleCell-RNASeq分析mp.weixin.qq.com/s/quZ2bNI6ZUYu8_Gjrua4RQ 亲爱的BioSciTools用户: 高校开学已有些时间,此次BioSciTool更新带来基于10X Genomics测序CellRange输出结果的单细胞常规转录组(SingleCell RNA-Seq)数据分析程序。多个程序主要参考10X Genomics数据格式和Seu...
10X Genomics凝胶微珠设计 所以一个油滴=一个单细胞=一个凝胶微珠=一个RNA-Seq,可以说这就是10X的基本技术原理。 然而市场并不只有一家Single Cell的商业化捕获平台,另外还有BD这个老牌的抗体巨头的Rhapsody平台。这个平台又是依托什么技术,和10X Genomics技术存在什么区别呢?
Single-cellT cell receptor (TCR)10x Genomics is a highly accessible single cell RNA sequencing platform that allows for simultaneous gene expression analysis and identification of receptor chain combinations in cells of the adaptive immune system. Here, we asked whether the gene and receptor ...
$10x Genomics(TXG)$虽然被视为潜力股,但目前single-cell技术在生命科学领域的大规模应用尚需时日。 现阶段,single-cell测序主要用于动物细胞。原核生物因单细胞RNA量过低,植物则因细胞壁的存在,导致实验操作难度较大。single-cell技术的增长不仅依赖其自身的技术突破,还需要上游技术如细胞分选技术的创新升级。或许他...
此后几乎每一年技术都在不停革新优化,随着科研发展,低通量的测序已不能满足对大量复杂细胞的分析。10x Genomics作为一家专注单细胞测序的公司,为解决这一需求,在2016年研发出10x Chromium Single Cell Gene Expression Solution,将高通量分选捕获单个细胞的技术推向市场。
10x Genomics Single Cell Protocols require a suspension of viable single cell or single nucleus as input. Researchers must submit a dissociated suspension of live cells. To obtain high-quality data, when it is crucial to maximize viability and minimize the presence of nuclear aggregates, dead cell...
Beads, a master mix containing cells, and partitioning oil in a GEM-X 3' or 5’ Chip. To achieve single cell resolution, cells are delivered at a limiting dilution, such that the majority (~90–99%) of generated GEMs contain no cell, while the remainder largely contain a single cell ...