The failure modes of SiC MOSFETs are discussed, as well as the indicators which signal device degradation and failure. The impact of packing design on reliability and performance is also discussed along with a number of application related concepts which bring to light some of the issues regarding...
总之,对于英飞凌的 SiC 二极管,当采用的钝化处理、终端概念和失效率都与 Si 技术相当时,长时间的HV-H3TRB、AC-HTC 试验结果和多年的现场经验都能证明,我们的 CoolSiC™ MOSFET 在湿度高且恶劣的现场环境条件下也是可靠的器件。 8.3 秒级功率循环试验 在计算半导体器件在...
MOSFETBJTShort circuitSiC MOSFETs and BJTs will be tested in short-circuit or current limitation modes.Safe failure appears for some SiC MOSFETs and BJTs in short-circuit operations.For SiC MOSFETs, a gate leakage current and two main failure modes are detected.Gate leakage current does not ...
KEY WORDS: SiC MOSFET; short-circuit fault; failure mechanism; degradation; repetitive short-circuit stress 摘要:SiC MOSFET 可以大幅提升变流器的效率和功率密度,在高频、高温、高压等领域有较好的应用前景。但是,由于其短路耐受时间短、特性退化现象严重以及失效机理模糊等因素,致使 SiC MOSFET 的普及应用受到了...
为探究和对比SiC MOSFET在不同老化试验方法下的失效机理和失效表征参数的变化规律,对其在不同导通模式下进行功率循环试验,基于不同导通模式下的特性分析,重点对比正向MOSFET模式和体二极管模式。SiC MOSFET中的界面陷阱会造成阈值电压漂移,为此提出一种判断准则以及相应的功率循环试验方法,可以将阈值电压漂移对试验结果的...
For asymmetric trench SiC MOSFET s, failure modes are gate damage at lower dc bus voltages and thermal runaway at higher dc bus voltages; whereas failure mode for double trench SiC MOSFET s is thermal runaway at all dc bus voltages. In addition, the internal thermal-electro stress of the ...
这是一款第一代1200 V、8 mΩ EasyPACK™ 2B CoolSiC™ MOSFET模块,带NTC温度传感器,采用预涂热界面材料(TIM)和PressFIT压接技术。 特征描述 出色封装,高度达12 mm 先进的宽禁带(WBG)半导体材料 非常低的模块杂散电感 增强的第一代CoolSiC™ MOSFET 更大的栅极驱动电压范围 栅源电压:+23 V和-10...
这是一款1200 V、13 mΩEasyPACK™ 2BCoolSiC™ MOSFETSixPACK三相桥模块,采用增强型第一代CoolSiC™ MOSFET 、集成NTC温度传感器、PressFIT压接技术,以及氮化铝陶瓷材料。 特征描述 出色封装,高度达12 mm 先进的宽禁带(WBG)半导体材料 非常低的模块杂散电感 ...
A Novel SiC MOSFET with Embedded Auto-Adjust JFET with Improved Short Circuit Performance 2021, IEEE Electron Device Letters Particularities of the short-circuit operation and failure modes of SiC-MOSFETs 2021, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics Investigation on Single Pu...
Thus, we have shown that SiC MOS reliability characterization must ensure that electric field stresses be performed at low electric fields in order to accurately predict failure times. 展开 关键词: Failure modes SiC MOS capacitor SiC MOSFET reliability time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) ...