大功率SIC MOSFET逆变器驱动技术的详解; (Drive Circuit),位于主电路和控制电路之间,用来对控制电路的信号进行放大的中间电路(即放大控制电路的信号使其能够驱动功率晶体管),称为驱动电路。 驱动电路的作用:将控制电路输出的PWM脉冲放大到足以驱动功率晶体管—开关功率放大作用。 驱动电路的基本任务,就是将信息电子电路...
桥臂电路上下开关管在高速开关动作时,上下管之间的串扰会变的比较严重。虽然Si器件均有不同程度的桥臂串扰问题,由于SiC MOSFET的栅极阈值电压和负压承受能力均较低,且开关速度更快,因而更易受到桥臂串扰的影响。碳化硅器件C2M0025120D 的阈值电压在25˚C时仅为2.6V,随着器件温度的升高还会降低,最大负电压也仅为-...
与上述方法相比,有源驱动电路(Active Gate Driver, AGD)是在常规驱动电路(Conventional Gate Driver, CGD)基础上增加由有源器件构成的电路,在SiC MOSFET开关过程的特定阶段改变驱动电路的结构,从而对SiC MOSFET的开关性能进行优化[14],受到了国内外学者的广泛研究,相继提出了变栅极电阻[15-16]、变栅极电压[17-18]...
关键词:SiCMOSFET;开关特性;驱动电路;双脉冲实验中图分类号:TM13 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-1390(2015)11-0074-05Design of high power SiC MOSFET driver circuitPengYonglong,LiRongrong,LiYabin(School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, North China Electric PowerUniversity, Baoding 071003, Hebei, ...
in order to minimum converter volumes.A driv-er circuit and double-pulse circuit for SiC MOSFET according to SiC MOSFET is designed,then based on thissetupmeasured switchingtime,switching loss and further investigatedon the influence of different driver resistance toswitching time and switching loss....
integrated chip based on high temperature also has the ability to work and reduces the parasitic line parameter; using auxiliary heat BJT SiC MOSFET tube and tube complement is turned on and switch off access to the parallel capacitor in the driver circuit, suppression arm circuit crosstalk ...
SiC MOSFET驱动电路设计与实验分析 邹世凯;胡冬青;黄仁发;崔志行;梁永生 【摘要】A driver circuit of SiC MOSFETs with simple structure,high computing speed,and high output power was proposed to make devices more reliable in the application,based on analyzing their switching characteristics. In addition,...
Supported Product Families Gate Driver IGBT Discrete CoolSiC™ MOSFET Bill of material (BOM) 1ED3121MU12H IKQ75N120CH3 电路板&设计 REF-DR3KIMBGSICMA Status: active Infineon Read MoreBuy Online The REF-DR3KIMBGSICMA is a reference design which contains two PCBs, including driver circuit ...
Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve and optimize the silicon carbide MOSFET driver circuit and design and research the bidirectional switch of silicon carbide MOSFET. In view of this practical problem, the silicon carbide MOSFET and its related characteristics ...
非常适合 CoolSiC™ MOSFET 的栅极驱动器 IC 集成电气隔离功能的栅极驱动器IC是CoolSiC™ MOSFET等650 V和1200 V超快速开关功率晶闸管的理想驱动方案。 这些栅极驱动器具备驱动碳化硅MOSFET所需的最重要的关键功能和参数,比如传播延迟精准匹配、精确的输入滤波器、宽范围的输出侧电源、负栅极电压能力、有源米勒钳位...