Short-read sequencing, also known as next-generation sequencing (NGS), is a high-throughput sequencing method that enables rapid and cost-effective analysis of DNA or RNA sequences. It involves breaking the DNA or RNA into short fragments and then simultaneously sequencing millions of these fragmen...
The debate between short-read and long-read sequencing is an ongoing one, but it is clear that both technologies have their own unique benefits. For the most comprehensive results, it is best to combine the two together. By doing so, you can get the most complete picture of your data whi...
These comprise three general steps: (1) capture of RNA species of interest, (2) conversion of RNA to complementary DNA (cDNA), and (3) modification of cDNA to fit the sequencing platform. Here we describe four different library preparation protocols for short-read sequencing: cDNA synthesis ...
Long-read sequencing offers great potential to improve genome assemblies. Read lengths from PacBio platforms (Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park CA) vary but reach into the tens of kilobases [9]. The base call accuracy of individual reads is about 87% [14] and chimera, i.e. falsely joined seq...
SEQUENCING BY BINDING WITH ONSO The Onso system is an innovative benchtop short-read sequencing platform that uses PacBio SBB technology to produce an unprecedented level of accuracy. Learn more Talk with an expert If you have a question, need to check the status of an order, or are ...
and 299 novel miRNAs across five tissues. To our knowledge, this is the first study to perform long-read sequencing simultaneously on the testis, epididymis, vesicular gland, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland of pig. This rich resource will benefit further mechanistic studies in reproductive ...
High-throughput short read sequencing is revolutionizing genomics and systems biology research by enabling cost-effective deep coverage sequencing of genomes and transcriptomes. Error detection and correction are crucial to many short read sequencing applications including de novo genome sequencing, genome res...
Thus, this new ONT method greatly improves base-calling accuracy, allowing for the de novo assembly of high-quality finished bacterial or plasmid genomes without the need for shortread sequencing. This saves both money and time and supports the application of ONT data in critical genome-based ...
Riester M, Singh A, Brannon A, Yu K, Campbell C, Chiang D and Morrissey M (2016). “PureCN: Copy number calling and SNV classification using targeted short read sequencing.”Source Code for Biology and Medicine,11, pp. 13. doi:10.1186/s13029-016-0060-z. ...
PenguiN a software to assemble short read sequencing data on a nucleotide level. In a first step it assembles coding sequences using the information from the translated protein sequences. In a second step it links them across non-coding regions. The main purpose of PenguiN is the assembly of...