Copy this file into your workspace and adjust as needed, see for details --> <launch> <node pkg="octomap_server" type="octomap_server_node" name="octomap_server"> <remap from="cloud_in" to="/SG_SLAM/Local_Point_Clouds" /> ...
SLAM是智能移动机器人在未知环境中进行状态估计的基本能力之一。然而,大多数视觉SLAM系统依赖于静态场景的假设,因此在动态场景中的准确性和鲁棒性严重下降。此外,许多系统构建的度量图缺乏语义信息,因此机器人无法在人类的认知水平上理解他们的周围环境。 SG-SLAM是一个基于ORB-SLAM2框架的实时RGB-D语义视觉SLAM系统。首...
Issues: silencht/SG-SLAMLabels 9 Milestones 0 New issue 0 Open 37 Closed Author Label Projects Milestones Assignee Sort There aren’t any open issues. You could search all of GitHub or try an advanced search.ProTip! Mix and match filters to narrow down what you’re looking for. ...
作者你好,我在最后一步运行时出现 Segmentation fault 问题,我已经将第三方库和主目录下的 -march=native 去掉了,但还是报错,同时我运行了 原有的ORB-SLAM2,发现没有这个问题,用gdb调试后发现错误出现在 g2o部分,虽有已经看到有人提过这个问题了,但自己尝试后依然无法解决,想问下应该怎么解决? Thread 1 "sg_s...
使用src/sg-slam/run_astra_pro_camera.sh启动系统后,系统会订阅ROS系统的图像流话题。话题订阅代码位于src/sg-slam/Examples/ message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image> rgb_sub(nh, "/camera/rgb/image_raw", 30); message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::Image> depth_sub(nh, "/...
Just wondering how to make evo difference lines in your paperOwner silencht commented Apr 11, 2023 I may not understand what you are asking. Here's an answer I think might help you? The trajectory error data and pictures in the paper come from TUM's dataset evaluation tool. Here, when...
The display position of the semantic segmentation in the three-dimensional frame is different hello author When the chair object is detected, but the position of the blue three-dimensional frame displayed in rviz is different in semantic segmentation, what should be done?
Hello author, when I run fr3_walking_xyz, when the camera deflects to the left, there is a situation where there are no feature points; At the same time, when several other data sets are running, there is no running response and no windo...
1. 感知(Perception): 主要涉及的技术点包括场景理解、交通状况分析、路面检测、空间检测、 障碍物检测、行人检测、路沿检测、车道检测。还有一个比较新颖有趣的是通过胎压去检测道路质量。 在无人驾驶行业,有一套通用的数据集——KITTI数据集,里面有不同的数据,包括双目视觉的数据、定位导航的数据等。 物体检测(...