if I do the same thing using a bash script, alias does not run: #!/bin/bash alias test="echo test" also export it, same problem: alias test="echo test" ; export test maybe correct: really "test" in not a variable. So, how put any aliases to bash script and let them availab...
Therefore, an alias definition appearing on the same line as another command does not take effect until the next line of input is read. The commands following the alias definition on that line are not affected by the new alias. Presumably the other shells also behave in this way. Share Impr...
The distinction between unset and "set to the empty string" is essential in situations where the user has to specify an extension, or additional list of properties, and that not specifying them defaults to a non-empty value, whereas specifying the empty string should make the script use an ...
5. 设置命令别名:使用`set`命令还可以设置命令别名。例如,要将`ls`命令设置为`ls -l`的别名,可以使用`set alias ls=”ls -l”`命令。 需要注意的是,`set`命令在当前shell中设置的环境变量只在当前会话中有效,如果希望永久设置环境变量,可以将设置添加到shell配置文件(如~/.bashrc)中。另外,`set`命令还有其...
Bash ScriptsThe above env var and alias management feature is useful in it's own right and the only ~/.sh/bin script needed is ~/.sh/bin/shm (SH Manager) which provides some basic functionality. shm pull and shm push are the most frequently used and simply allow to git pull and git...
shell-alias.lib.sh shellcheck shellcheck-usage.sh short-pwd.py signal.lib.sh snake.py snip.py soextblx.dtd sqlassist.py src-htd.lib.sh src.rst srv-htd.lib.sh srv.rst srv.sh srv.txt ssh.lib.sh start-note.sh stats.py stattab-class.lib.sh stattab-reader.lib.sh stattab.lib....
pt src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 1. 这篇 文章 是关于 Linux 文件命令的一个“速成教程”,它是为那些刚接触这个操作系统或者只是需要补充这方面知识的用户提供的。它包含了对一些更有用的命令的一个简明的概述以及关于它们的最强大的应用...
git-bash set alias 原文见:https://www.jianshu.com/p/35d23e0e121b 基本使用: alias com="git checkout master" 此时关闭终端窗口之后,再试该命令你就会发现这个命令不存在了,原因是没有永久保存,可以使用如下方法: 确认文件在不在 $ ls ~/.bash_profile...
alias(1) allocate(1) animate(1) annotate(1) ant(1) antlr(1) appcert(1) appres(1) apptrace(1) apropos(1) ar(1) ar(1g) arch(1) as(1) as(1g) as86(1) asa(1) at(1) atobm(1) atok(1) ATOK(1) atok12migd(1) atok12migs(1) atokx2cvttool(1) atq(1) atrm(1) audioco...
Loong:/home/yee/shell# alias lm="vim" Loong:/home/yee/shell# lm kkk.txt 取消别名: Loong:/home/yee/shell# una unalias uname Loong:/home/yee/shell# unalias lm Loong:/home/yee/shell# lm bash: lm: command not found Loong:/home/yee/shell# ...