但是有些时候,我们希望将~/.bash_profile中定义好的alias引入Bash脚本中,以便简化命令。例如 脚本文件test.sh #!/bin/bashsource~/.bash_profile ll 执行test.sh文件却会报错 $bashtest.shtest.sh:line5:ll:command not found 这是因为在Bash中,alias默认是不能引入Bash脚本中的。Bash的官方文档其实更建议你使...
但是有些时候,我们希望将~/.bash_profile中定义好的alias引入Bash脚本中,以便简化命令。例如 脚本文件test.sh #!/bin/bashsource~/.bash_profile ll 执行test.sh文件却会报错 $ bash test.sh test.sh: line 5: ll: command not found 这是因为在Bash中,alias默认是不能引入Bash脚本中的。Bash的官方文档其实...
For some reason, the command executes find, but when I attempt to execute any of the aliases, they are either incorrectly mapped — e.g., gsts -> git stash instead of gsts -> git status — or they are not mapped at all. #!/bin/bash update_git_aliases(){ GIST_URL='https://gi...
alias, 假名,别名,bash的一个内建命令,用来给常用的较长的命令定义个简短的名称。 alias命令的基本格式为alias [word[='command']], []内为可选项。定义word为command的别名。若=’command’部分省略,则输出word之前的定义,未定义则报错。单独的alias列出当前环境中所有可用的别名。通常来讲,关于alias,知道这么多...
-bash: this: command not found #提示这个错误是因为test后面等于的不是一条命令,bash不能直接识别,所以设置别名的时候,后面的应该是在bash中能直接执行的命令。 工作中都会把rm这个命令设置成别的别名,不允许别人使用: alias rm = 'echo this is a dangerous guy' ...
[root@zsf ~]# alias test='this is a test'[root@zsf ~]# test-bash: this: command not found #提示这个错误是因为test后面等于的不是一条命令,bash不能直接识别,所以设置别名的时候,后面的应该是在bash中能直接执行的命令。 工作中都会把rm这个命令设置成别的别名,不允许别人使用: ...
command | grep -v grep |grep -i --color ${pro}; # show matching processes "$(ps axo pid,user,command | grep -v grep | grep -i ${pro} | awk '{print $1}')"; # get pids "${pids}" kill9 # make a completion list for kk ...
TL;DR: How Do I Add and Use Alias in Linux? The'alias'command is built into the Bash shell and does not require separate installation. You can confirmm installation with,alias --version. However, if you’re using a different shell or an older version of Linux, you may need to install...
To set and use alias in the same line in bash, you can use: eval $'alias df5=df\ndf5 -h' (credits: Hauke Laging's workaround + Kusalananda's workaround). Explanation of the command: Since "an alias definition appearing on the same line as another command does not take effect unt...