Command alias inLinuxis another (mostly short) version of frequently used command (or command with arguments). It is meant for lessening keystrokes to type long commands and making it fast, easy, and accurate to work in shell. On the other hand, if you want users to use some commands wi...
aliasdeclan='ssh declan' # log in to work using a non-standard port (222) aliaswork='ssh -p 222' # log in to work and tunnel the internal proxy to localhost:80 aliasworkweb='ssh -p 222 -L' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7...
Linux Cmd Tool 系列之—alias Thealiascmdlistyour current aliases. For example : alias Use alias to shorten a long cmd incurrentshell session: alias [name=['command']] Useunaliastoremovethe alias , or use"\"(back-slash)before command todisablealias. Your ~/.bashrcfile might look like: al...
Linux alias命令用于设置指令的别名。用户可利用alias,自定指令的别名。若仅输入alias,则可列出目前所有的别名设置。alias的效力仅及于该次登入的操作。...看看语法先:alias 别名 = 原来指令名称试一把: alias liechu=ls执行liechu试一试:(成功输出当前目录下文件列表)
Linux alias命令用于设置指令的别名。用户可利用alias,自定指令的别名。若仅输入alias,则可列出目前所有的别名设置。alias的效力仅及于该次登入的操作。...看看语法先:alias 别名 = 原来指令名称试一把: alias liechu=ls执行liechu试一试:(成功输出当前目录下文件列表)
解释: ' 使用单引号结束第一段; " 开启第二段,这里使用双引号; ' 单引号本身; " 结束第二段,使用双引号; ' 开启第三段,使用单引号。 ref :
export HISTSIZE=1000; HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F '; HISTCONTROL="ignoredups"export HISTIGNORE="ls:ll:pwd:history"alias reload="source /etc/bash.bashrc"alias command-list="compgen -ac"alias on="execute 'reboot'"alias off="execute 'poweroff'"### 切换目录 ### ...
Linux命令:alias 语法 alias [-p] [name[=value] ... ] 说明 定义命令的别名或者打印命令别名的定义。 不带name打印别名列表,一行一个。每行像alias NAME=VALUE。 可以一行定义多个别名。 用途,用于将常用命令往往是带不少参数的,简化成一个短名。相当于命令快捷键。
==> build_in ==> hash ==> $PATH ==> error: command not found 获取一个命令会按照上述优先级取寻找,先找同名的alias命令,再找compound命令。。。 ===part1 让我们先从最简单的入手:别名、内部命令、外部命令,来探讨它们三者的优先级 别名:别名命令是为了简化输出给一个长参数命令的...
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Policy based routing. Issue Why rules gets delete after bringing down-ifdownthe alias / VIP interface ? In a policy based routing, entry from rule table is flushed or deleted after bringing down the alias interface. ...