3. TricksSet an aliasRun nano ~/.bash_profile and add the following line:alias dockerlogin='ssh www-data@adnan.local -p2222' # add your alias in .bash_profileTo quickly go to a specific directoryRun nano ~/.bashrc and add the following line:...
Till this point, we have seen how to set up an alias at the user level. To set an alias globally you can modify the“/etc/bash.bashrc”file and add aliases which will be effective globally. You need to have the elevated privilege to modifybash.bashrcfile. Alternatively, create a script...
我可以在Git Bash提示符中使用别名来运行它,而不会出现问题。我也在努力学习如何在PowerShell中做到这一点,下面是我的尝试和错误: Set-Alias -Name "mytest" -Value "java -Xms1g -Xmx4g -cp D:\mypath\myfile.jar myfile.myapp" -Description "An ali 浏览1提问于2021-05-28得票数 1 回答已采纳 2...
alias la='ls -A' alias l='ls -CF' # Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so: # sleep 10; alert alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//...
git-bash的alias别名设置 正常需要设置别名时,直接使用 1 aliasgs="git status" 输入上边的命令之后,就可以使用gs(命令)代替git status(命令),这是一种设置别名简化输入,提升效率的办法 可以根据自己日常的习惯,和自己的理解,按照自己是喜好特点定义自己的一组常用的别名缩写。
To establish Clink to an existing cmd.exe process, use clink inject. If the Clink install directory isn't in the PATH, then use install_dir\clink in place of clink to run Clink commands. Once Clink is injected into a cmd.exe process, then it automatically sets an alias so that you ca...
先alias 再 builtin 再由 $PATH 找到 /bin/echo 7.2.2 bash 的进站与欢迎讯息: /etc/issue, /etc/motd bash 也有进站画面与欢迎讯息,那个字符串写在 /etc/issue 里面. 代码语言:javascript 复制 [root@study~]# cat/etc/issue \SKernel \r on an \m ...
alias cba='echo "comparing ~/.bash_aliases with ${OTHERVM}... "; scp -pq $OTHERVM:/home/praco/.bash_aliases /home/praco/.bash_aliases.other; diff ~/.bash_aliases{,.other}; echo "done"' alias kcl='kf client list' alias knl='kf node list' alias pushba='echo -n "pushing...
alias Used to define an alias for a specific command. bg Run a job in background mode. bind Used to bind a keyboard sequence. break Used to exit from a running loop in script. cd Change the directory to another directory. command Run a specific command without the normal shell lookup. ...
set 命令 脚本除错 mktemp 命令,trap 命令 启动环境 命令提示符 Shell 的含义 学习Bash,首先需要理解 Shell 是什么。Shell 这个单词的原意是“外壳”,跟 kernel(内核)相对应,比喻内核外面的一层,即用户跟内核交互的对话界面。 具体来说,Shell 这个词有多种含义。