在Bash中,可以使用`alias`命令来创建一个别名,以便更方便地执行命令。以下是如何为导出命令创建别名的步骤: 1. 打开终端。 2. 使用以下命令创建别名: ``` alias export_...
./script.sh: line 3: ls1: command not found Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless theexpand_aliasesshell option is set usingshopt. It can be tested by adding the command “alias” to simple bash script and the script execution will not give the alias command,...
There are locations where you can create aliases to span all users. For more information on this topic, check out the bash shell documentation. For now, we will create our alias under user testuser. So, in my home directory, I enter my alias into .bashrc. Keep in mind that this file...
#My custom aliasesalias home=”ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykep.pem tecmint@”alias ll="ls -alF" Save the file. The file will be automatically loaded in your next session. If you want to use the newly defined alias in the current session, issue the following command: $ source ~/.b...
How to unset (delete) a Bash Alias? You can unset (or delete) an existing Bashaliasby using the Bashunaliasbuiltin command. All the existing aliases would be removed when using the-aoption. # unset "ll" alias[me@linux ~]$unaliasll# unset all aliases[me@linux ~]$unalias-a ...
Reset Once You Alias Once you set an alias in.bash_profile, you need to make sure it’s working. You can do this by running this command:source ~/.bash_profile. This will reload everything without having to quit out of terminal to reset, so that you can see the changes in action....
..in the shell ping mygoogle1 ssh my.google0 will work on local machine Another way is using aliases. Add to ~/.bashrc alias ssh1='ssh -2 somehost.foo -l bar' next time, when bash is executed you connect by typing ssh1. Share Improve this answer Follow edited Jun 1...
touch .bash_aliases Let's edit the file and add a few aliases to it. This command will open the ".bash_aliases" file in thegediteditor. gedit .bash_aliases We've added three aliases. The first is ourclsalias which we used earlier. The next is calledh.and is a shorthand way of ca...
How TO - Subnav -> Subnav Android SDK how to OnClickListener 如何测试@ How /storage? How to SetFoucus to mainpanel or mainframe How to UrlEncode symbols (和) How to alias an export in bash How to capture part of a screen How to write JavaScript in Eclipse ...
also use 'lls' for 'long listing with ecurity' alias sl='ls' # Common typo, also just overwrite the 'Steam Locotomive' toy if present, as that gets boring alias lg='exa -lG' # 'ls grid', exa is an interesting potential successor to 'ls', in Ubuntu 20.10 repo by default, colo...