alias catkin_make_and_source=‘catkin_make & source devel/’ // 매번 setup.sh해주는 거 귀찮음. Realsense Viewer ROS 설치 Ros noetic설치:
1.检查是否已安装 rpm -qa subversion 如果要卸载旧版本: yum remove subversion 2.安装 yum install subversion PS:yum install httpd httpd-devel subversion mod_dav_svn mod_auth_mysql(这是安装配合Apache的模块,我暂时还没做,做了再补上,你可以只装subversion,多装了也无所谓) #确认是否已安装svn模块 [ro...
Oh My Zsh 提供了一套系统别名(alias),来达到相同的功能。比如gst作为git status的别名。而且 Git 插件是 Oh My Zsh 默认启用的,相当于你使用了 Oh My Zsh,你就拥有了一套高效率的别名,而且还是全球通用的。是不是棒棒哒?下面是一些我常用的别名:...
alias grep='grep --colour=auto' 原文
(category, locale) :Error: unsupported locale setting : :Local variables in innermost frame: :locale: '' :category: 6 environ: :HISTTIMEFORMAT=%F %T :LC_CTYPE=scp -oPort=37022 -oHostKeyAlias=pceboinside -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no :LESSOPEN=||/usr/bin/ %s :SSH_CLIENT=x.x....
after that, sudo creates a child process in which it callssetuid()to switch to the target user next, it executes a shell or the command given as arguments in the child process above. Below are ten/etc/sudoersfile configurations to modify the behavior ofsudocommand usingDefaultsentries. ...
Input all these code below, you can add another alias if you need. #!/bin/bash #Set a name and path of a new user habit shell script. habitShell=xxx/ #Set user habit. userHabit=' alias tc="cd xx" alias lib="cd xxx" ...
"alias-skip.mappings": { "@": "/src", "_c": "/src/components" }, "[vue]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "hikerpig.vetur" }, "[markdown]": { "editor.wordWrap": "on", "editor.quickSuggestions": false, "editor.formatOnSave": false ...
Now, come to the main command which you would be looking for in this article i.e. how to see the default version of the required Node using the NVM. To set a Node version as the default, use: nvmaliasdefault<version> Again, replace<version>with your desired Node.js version number. ...
In my .bashrc, I've set TERM to xterm-256color , which allows vim to function correctly when used outside of tmux. Additionally, I've created an alias for tmux as "tmux -2" and made the necessary adjustments. set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" ...