Setting an alias in Redhat Hi Everyone, I am trying to set up alias the only way I now how, buy making entry into .bashrc file. The entry I made is alias ll='ls -lrt' It is not working as I expect. When I enter "alias" at the command line I get the following. $ alias al...
Setting an alias in Redhat Hi Everyone, I am trying to set up alias the only way I now how, buy making entry into .bashrc file. The entry I made is alias ll='ls -lrt' It is not working as I expect. When I enter "alias" at the command line I get the following. $ alias alia...
그러고나서, vim ~/.bashrc 하고나서 최하단에 alias <단축키> = ‘줄이고 싶은 단축키’설정하면 됨. 반드시 작은 따옴표로 감싸줘야하고, =과 ‘사이에 띄어쓰기가 있으면 안된다! //Exampl...
CTRL + SHIFT PgUp zoom in and zoom in terminal CTRL + SHIFT + pgDn zoom in and zoom out terminal My Config file .bashrc function cdf() { cd "$(find * -type d | fzf)" } alias sn='sudo shutdown now' n() { nvim "$@" } Install Arch Linux synchronizing package database #...
echo "alias ${nickName}=\"source ${habitShell}\"" >> ~/.bashrc echo "alias ${nickName}=\"source ${habitShell}\"" >> /home/zxin10/.bashrc #Change the owner of '' script. chmod 770 xxx/ chown xxx xxx/ ...
我们只需要编辑个人或者全局的shell配置文件就可以构建自己的独特的多姿多彩的shell。其中,用户个人配置文件是~/.bashrc,全局配置文件是/etc/bash.bashrc(ubuntu)或者/etc/bashrc(Fedora)。 彩色的命令提示符 在配置文件中设置环境变量PS1,如下:(注意,除了待显示文本,千万不要有多余的空格) ...
Programming :: Setting PATH Alias In Bash? Jul 15, 2010 I am trying to execute executable files in bash without adding ./ I know there must be an alias to add in .bashrc, that must be something like alias PATH=$PATH:. But this seems not to be working. ...
git config --global status git config --global commit git config --global checkout git config --global branch Step 17: configure the global user for Git git config --global "Put your full name here" ...
Are you using vi or vim? I always set an alias vi=vim. Check of vim is installed. Both come with ClefOS. --- Original message --- From: Jeff Barnard <> Date: 6/27/18 12:39 (GMT-05:00) To: LINUX-390@...
in Red Hat there is a /etc/bashrc. it is for system wide, the ~/.bashrc is for user define. i use the /etc/bashrc for alias definitions and the /etc/profile for the PATH. i don't know why, someone told me to do it that way in ...