Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless theexpand_aliasesshell option is set usingshopt. It can be tested by adding the command “alias” to simple bash script and the script execution will not give the alias command, whereas on the interactive shell it will provide...
我想你应该重新设置文件:cp -f /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/
Aliases are shortcuts that allow you to create a new command or replace an existing one with your own command. For example, if you want to create an alias for thelscommand that includes the-ltroptions, you can use the following command in your terminal: ...
aliasll="ls -lha" Type the text you want to replace on the left and the command on the right between quotes. Use this to create shorter versions of the command, guard against common typos, or force a command to always run with your favored flags. You can also circumvent annoying or ea...
# You must use 'cddl' instead of 'cd' if you are not using # the optional 'cd' alias from above. # This is the "local-only" version of the function; # see the cdd function, below, for an expanded implementation # that will ssh to the remote server when a remote site ...
aliasrm='rm -i'aliascp='cp -i'aliasmv='mv -i'# Source global definitionsif[ -f /etc/bashrc ];then./etc/bashrcfi 这个时候是 生效的。 对于一个我很有专研精神的我,肯定要弄明白呀,找了资料如下(重点地方我标记红色): When working with Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X, I always forget which...
alias vi=vimalias vp='vi ~/.bashrc'alias cy='source ~/.bashrc' # INTEL COMPILERSsource /opt/intel/oneapi/ intel64export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/linux/compiler/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...
I’m not exactly sure how they were designed to be used. :-P I use tcsh, so I copied all of my old .tcshrc file into .tcsh_profile and combined the calls to .cshrc and .alias into .tcsh_profile while I was at it. Now when I login I don’t get any of my settings, but at...
alias bec="bundle exec cucumber" alias ber="bundle exec spec" alias pow="touch tmp/restart.txt" alias pgstart="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start" alias pgrestart="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log...
alias nvhtop=' --color -l 100' 最新问题 jsonb_array_elements 获取元素位置 sklearn:多类问题和报告敏感性和特异性 使用Puppeteer 和 AWS lambda 的屏幕截图 如何修复 Microsoft Edge 控制台中的 ms-high-contrast 弃用问题? 如何将React Vite项目部署到Vercel中 具有多个模块的 Spring Boot ...