There are locations where you can create aliases to span all users. For more information on this topic, check out the bash shell documentation. For now, we will create our alias under user testuser. So, in my home directory, I enter my alias into .bashrc. Keep in mind that this file...
To create a permanent alias, you need to add the alias in the.bashrcfile. The shell reads this file when the user login. Open this file. Add your alias at the end of the alias section and save the file. Logout from the current session. The custom alias will be available from the n...
Save the file. The file will be automatically loaded in your next session. If you want to use the newly defined alias in the current session, issue the following command: $ source ~/.bashrc To remove an alias added via the command line can be unaliased using the unalias command. $ unal...
If you only have a few aliases that you wish to define, you might put them in your ".bashrc" file. Tuck them in below the section containing thelsaliases. If you are going to create a lot of aliases, or you just like the idea of having your aliases encapsulated within their own fil...
10. In Home Folder Create alias in .bashrc (to make shorter command for wine64) cd nano .bashrc --> enter this command alias wine64="WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64 wine" --> then save (ctrl+x, choose yes) --> then logout & login
Create rm Command Alias in Linux As a safety measure, you can makermalways prompt you to confirm a deletion operation, every time you want to delete a file or directory, using the-ioption. Tocreate an aliasfor the rm command permanently, add an alias in your$HOME/.bashrcfile. ...
Source the file to implement the changes: .~/.bashrc Copy After you have configuredvisudo, execute the command to access the/etc/sudoersfile: sudovisudo Copy How To Modify the Sudoers File You will be presented with the/etc/sudoersfile in your selected text editor. ...
In this article, we are going to save custom configurations for the “/.emacs” (emacs configuration) file and the “./bashrc” (bash configuration) file as examples. Why these two files? These files were chosen because: They are common to many systems ...
Example-2: Permanent bash alias declaration To solve the above problem, you can create permanent alias command. Suppose you want to create a shortcut of the “mkdir” command with the alias name “C” and use it permanently. Open ~/.bashrc file in any editor, add alias command in that ...
Bash shell:~/.bashrc Zsh shell:~/.zshrc Tcsh shell:~/.tcshrc Fish shell:~/.config/fish/ Note: Some shells allow storing aliases in a separate file called.aliases. Proceed with the steps below to create a permanent alias: ...