This is a quick little guide that covers how to set up aliases for some fairly common commands, as well as how to make your terminal distinctively your own. This covers bash, you can do something similar in zsh profiles as well. If you don’t already have one, you can create a bash ...
Tired of typing to much in the CLI. We show you how to make a BASH Alias so you can spent less time typing long commands.
Most of the users like to use shortcuts for running commands. There are many commands in Ubuntu that we need to execute regularly. It will be very helpful for us if we can run those common commands by typing shortcut commands. Using bash aliases, Ubuntu users can easily create shortcut c...
If you are going to create a lot of aliases, or you just like the idea of having your aliases encapsulated within their own file, you can define them in your ".bash_aliases" file. One advantage of creating them in your ".bash_aliases" file is you can't accidentally change any of th...
To keepaliasesbetween sessions, you can save them in your user’s shell configuration profile file. This can be: Bash –~/.bashrc ZSH –~/.zshrc Fish –~/.config/fish/ The syntax you should use is practically the same as creating a temporary alias. The only difference comes ...
There are locations where you can create aliases to span all users. For more information on this topic, check out thebash shell documentation. For now, we will create our alias under usertestuser. So, in my home directory, I enter my alias into.bashrc. Keep in mind that this file is ...
Practical tutorial on using the Bash script and the methods of writing and executing it in Ubuntu to streamline the Bash workflow with aliases and definitions.
How to unset (delete) a Bash Alias? You can unset (or delete) an existing Bashaliasby using the Bashunaliasbuiltin command. All the existing aliases would be removed when using the-aoption. # unset "ll" alias[me@linux ~]$unaliasll# unset all aliases[me@linux ~]$unalias-a ...
Wrap-up You can go on adding various aliases, but the goal of this article is to make your life easy by saving the regularly used commands into the.bashrcfile and using a shortcut alias to call the command with options. Want to try out Red Hat Enterprise Linux?Download it nowfor free...
Bash shell:~/.bashrc Zsh shell:~/.zshrc Tcsh shell:~/.tcshrc Fish shell:~/.config/fish/ Note: Some shells allow storing aliases in a separate file called.aliases. Proceed with the steps below to create a permanent alias: ...