aliassail='bash vendor/bin/sail' 关闭终端后,发现 alias 命令失效里。永久化 alias 命令需要中文件中写入 alias 命令。 首先建立 .bash_aliases 文件 touch~/.bash_aliases 然后把命令输入到该文件中 vi~/.bash_aliases aliassail='bash vendor/bin/sail'aliasco='cd /mnt/c/Code' 然后使用 source 使命令...
aliassail='bash vendor/bin/sail' 关闭终端后,发现alias命令失效里。永久化alias命令需要中文件中写入alias命令。 首先建立 .bash_aliases文件 touch~/.bash_aliases 然后把命令输入到该文件中 vi ~/.bash_aliasesaliassail='bash vendor/bin/sail'aliasco='cd /mnt/c/Code' 然后使用source使命令生效 source~/...
All your folders inside ir project will have alias by default reactjavascriptpluginnpmwebpackjsreactjsnpm-packagegatsbyaliasesaliasgatsby-plugin UpdatedOct 26, 2020 JavaScript 1x6/kyomail Star15 Code Issues Pull requests An extension which allows you to quickly & easily generate email aliases. ...
was about the AutoHotkey tool for Windows. This is a fantastic utility that allows you to set up a user-friendly script that lightens your workload. As I have yet to find a suitable substitute for this tool in Linux, I looked into setting up aliases for the commands that I use regularl...
The “Newmkcd” is the name of the bash function inside which we have passed the parameters “$1” and “$2”. We can insert more arguments according to our choice. It depends on where the parameter is placed after the bash function name. Note that the reserved bash function name will...
As you can see, I have all my private keys in a folder named “SSH-keys” inside my own user’s folder and then I simply create aliases to connect each of them, following a standard of “ssh”+”name of the server”. This way I only have to remember the name of the server I ...
在终端中尝试以下操作: sudo pmset -a lowpowermode 1 然后去Apple menu->System Preferences->Battery看看它是否好看。 如果这行得通,我想你应该在Applescript中这样做: do shell script "pmset -a lowpowermode 1" with administrator privileges Alias inside function ...
1、临时生效(只对当前用户的当前shell-bash有效) alias ll=‘ls -l --color=auto’ alias ll.=‘ls -la --color=auto’ 2、当前用户永久生效 修改当前用户家目录下的配置文件“.bashrc”: vim +999 ~/.bashrc (打开配置文件,进入最后一行-9... ...
UserWarning: Attempting to work in a virtualenv. If you encounter problems, please install IPython inside the virtualenv. warn("Attempting to work in a virtualenv. If you encounter problems, please " But if you're runningipython, there is no such thing as it will soak up the venv and work...
bashy Posted 9 years ago @keypointThink you need to put the PHP stuff inside the location block so it passes it to PHP for that URL. Level 4 keypoint Posted 9 years ago Which ones? My 2 location blocks look like this: set $kps_quiz_root /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/...; location...