Aliasin bash can be termed simply as a command or a shortcut that will run another command/program.Aliasis very helpful when our command is very long and for frequently used commands. Over the course of this article, we are going to see how powerful is an alias and the different ways t...
We can also use the Bash shell built-in.toread and execute the commandsin a file. Because our ".bash_alias" file is read in when ".bashrc" is processed, we ought to perform our test by calling ".bashrc". That way we can check that the ".bash_alias" file is called from ".bashrc...
How to create a function in a Bash shell script May 5, 2022 How to download a file from a server using the terminal Nov 7, 2021 Fish Shell, how to avoid recording commands to history Jul 26, 2021 How to use pm2 to serve a Node.js app Mar 3, 2021 How to use Netcat Nov ...
aliases are built on a user-by-user basis. If I create an alias as usertcarriganand then change to therootuser, the created alias will not work. Here you can see I aliasedlsto use a program called EXA that displays additional information and adds color-coding. The same command, in...
Once you set an alias in .bash_profile, you need to make sure it’s working. You can do this by running this command: source ~/.bash_profile. This will reload everything without having to quit out of terminal to reset, so that you can see the changes in action. Then you can run...
HostAliase array<object> 否 添加一个 ECI 的别名。 object 否 添加一个 ECI 的别名。 Ip string 否 添加IP。 Hostname array 否 添加主机名。 string 否 添加主机名。 SecurityContext.Sysctl array<object> 否 通过安全上下文修改安全 sysctl 参数。更多信息,请参见配置Security Context。
Start the web server in bashStart the Node.js web server by running the following command from the project's root folder:Console Copy npm run start-server This command will run the script start that will first build the project and then start the web server....
Symbolic Links− These files are used to create a shortcut or alias to another file or directory. Character Devices− These files represent hardware devices that transfer data one character at a time, such as serial ports and terminals. ...
Bash aliases are essentially shortcuts that can save you from having to remember long commands and eliminate a great deal of typing when you are working on the command line.
Some people either because they script things that use specific times or need to consult time and/or date and want to have in specific formats, can get some benefit of aliases by doing: alias nowtime='date +"%T"' #this will show the current time in 24hrs format as HH:MM:SS ...