bash_completion.d/ dbus-1/ fstab hosts.allow libnl/ my.cnf polkit-1/ rc6.d@ sestatus.conf sudo-ldap.conf wpa_supplicant/ bashrc default/ fuse.conf hosts.deny libuser.conf my.cnf.d/ popt.d/ rc.d/ shadow sysconfig/ X11/ binfmt.d/ depmod.d/ gcrypt/ init.d@ locale.conf NetworkManage...
Issue 1: Alias Not Working in New Terminal Session One common issue is that an alias created in one terminal session does not work in a new terminal session. This is because aliases are session-specific by default. If you close your terminal or start a new session, your aliases will not ...
linux bash 脚本是个好东西,能用工具搞定的就尽量避免用手敲。这里记录下学习过程中的问题。
/bin/bash\n${userHabit}" >> ${habitShell} #Make these order effective permanently in each user account(root & zxin10). echo "alias ${nickName}=\"source ${habitShell}\"" >> ~/.bashrc echo "alias ${nickName}=\"source ${habitShell}\"" >> /home/zxin10/.bashrc #Change the owne...
I'd like to create alias by script, and use it in bash. Namely: #!/bin/bash alias mycmd="ls -la" Bash: login@host ~$: ./script login@host ~$: mycmd *ls output* Of course, alias should be available just for one session (not .bashrc etc). Is it possible? Unfortunately I...
Unfortunately, this didn't work out. What are the other approaches which might work in my situation? I'm pretty sure creating such alias should be possible, because at least values from Azure Pipelines variables: somehow become available in Bash script: steps as environment variables. bash ...
error when starting dev server: Error: Build failed with 1 error: local-script:/home/wtto/projects/test/vite-config-root-demo/src/packages/app1/App.vue:4:23: ERROR: Could not resolve "@/components/HelloWorld.vue" at failureErrorWithLog (/home/wtto/projects/test/vite-config-root-demo/nod...
tool in Linux, I looked into setting up aliases for the commands that I use regularly. Since I am no longer working in the support sector, most of these are just quality of life changes. Once you understand how to configure an alias, this process can be applied to almost any situation....
tool in Linux, I looked into setting up aliases for the commands that I use regularly. Since I am no longer working in the support sector, most of these are just quality of life changes. Once you understand how to configure an alias, this process can be applied to almost any situation....