Available Commands: common find common sequences of multiple files by id/name/sequence concat concatenate sequences with same ID from multiple files convert convert FASTQ quality encoding between Sanger, Solexa and Illumina duplicate duplicate sequences N times faidx create FASTA index file and extract...
SeqKit seamlessly support FASTA and FASTQ format. Sequence format is automatically detected. All subcommands except forfaidxcan handle both formats. And only when some commands (subseq,split,sortandshuffle) which utilise FASTA index to improve perfrmance for large files in two pass mode (by flag...
seqkit v0.1.9 - 2016-04-26 using custom FASTA index file extension: .seqkit.fai reducing memory usage of sample --number --two-pass change default CPU number to 2 for multi-cpus computer, and 1 for single-CPU computerseqkit v0.1.8 - 2016-04-24 add subcommand rename to rename ...
and createFASTAindex.Secondly,seqkit sorts sequence by head and length information and extracts sequences byFASTAindex.Usage:seqkit sort[flags]Flags:-b,--by-bases by non-gap bases-l,--by-length by sequence length-n,--by-name by full name instead of just id-s,--by-seq by sequence-G,...
二代测序:以Illumina为代表边合成边测序。对随机打断成150~300bp的短片段 +上固定碱基的接头(adapter)+标签(tag/index)。 由于建库中利用了PCR富集序列,因此有一些量少的序列无法被大量扩增,造成一些信息的丢失,且PCR中有概率会引入错配的碱基 三代测序: ...
FASTA index For some commands, including subseq, split, sort and shuffle, when input files are (plain or gzipped) FASTA files, FASTA index would be optional used for rapid access of sequences and reducing memory occupation. ATTENTION: the .seqkit.fai file created by SeqKit is slightly differe...
And only when some commands (subseq, split, sort and shuffle) which utilise FASTA index to improve perfrmance for large files in two pass mode (by flag --two-pass), only FASTA format is supported.Sequence type (DNA/RNA/Protein) is automatically detected by leading subsequences of the ...