Sclerosisis also a pathological term meaning literally ‘hardening of tissue’ and refers to organs becoming hard and useless due to an excess of connective tissue; it is often applied to the central nervous system. Caution should therefore be exercised when using this word in a radiological sense...
abnormalities in liver and/or pancreas function alterations in the composition of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in the digestive tract, called the gut microbiome.Anxiety and depressionAs with any serious illness, ALS has a huge impact on the day-to-day lives of patients, as well ...
Lhermitte's sign feeling of a shock going down the back Diagnostics history and physical, neuro exam, MRI (plaques present), lumbar puncture, evoked potential study Lumbar puncture (only during flare) oligoclonal IgG bands present, elevated protein and WBC levels - meaning acute inflammation state...
In addition, many people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis have malabsorption problems, meaning their body has problems getting the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients out of the food they eat. Symptoms of multiple sclerosis The initial symptoms of multiple sclerosis are typically: difficulty in wa...
Every system of the body is interconnected and interdependent, meaning that each system must be precisely addressed in order for the body to achieve optimal health. Health care delivery is often a minimalistic approach. It is far easier to prescribe a painkiller or antibiotic than to provide the...
Findings In this randomized clinical trial of 65 participants with ALS, treatment with ezogabine reduced both cortical and spinal motor neuron excitability in a dose-dependent manner. Meaning This trial found that ezogabine decreased excitability in ALS; further evaluation is warranted to determine wh...
Yet, it is unclear how often patients with TSC are treated with mTORi during pregnancy and what the fetal risk is when used in pregnant patients with TSC. mTORi are classified under category C by the FDA, meaning there is an unknown fetal teratogenicity [16]. Uncomplicated pregnancies of ...
The majority of cells in the adult body are terminally differentiated, meaning they are fully mature and cannot grow into another cell type — a liver cell cannot turn into a brain or skin cell, for example. Stem cells are the undifferentiated cells in the body that are capable of self-...
Exclusion criteria were primary or secondary progressive multiple sclerosis; hereditary neurologic diseases; pregnancy; pulmonary, cardiac, renal, or liver dysfunction; abnormal platelet or white blood cell counts; active infection; prior treatment with alemtuzumab or mitoxantrone; or use of natalizumab ...
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) represents nowadays in Europe the leading cause of non-traumatic disabilities in young adults, with more than 700,000 EU cases. Although huge strides have been made over the years, MS etiology remains partially unknown. Furthermor