Hepatoportal sclerosis (obliterative portal venopathy) is a variant of chronic liver injury characterized by deposition of collagen in the periportal region with a loss of portal vein profiles and with or without diffuse fibrosis of the sinusoids (Mikkelsen et al., 1965; ...
A typical case of tuberous sclerosis is reported. Out of three symptoms of "Epiloia" i.e. adenoma sebaceum, mental deficiency and epilepsy, our case had only the first two. Associated with these lesions, patient had pigmentary disturbance in the form of vitiligenous patches and areas of f...
Primary progressive multiple sclerosis(PPMS):is the rarest course of multiple sclerosis, only approximately 15% of multiple sclerosis patients havePPMS. It is characterized by a slowly worsening of the neurological function from the onset of symptoms. This course of multiple sclerosis may be confused...
Special Considerations: Symptoms involving motor function usually begin in the upper extremities, with weakness progressing to spastic paralysis.Bowel and bladder dysfunction occurs in 90% of cases. More common in women特别注意事项:涉及运动功能的症状通常开始于上肢,无力发展到痉挛性麻痹。90%的病例出现肠...
Symptomatic simple liver cysts are rare, and the true frequency of symptoms is not known. Symptomatic simple liver cysts are predominantly large ( 4 cm), right-sided, and more common in women and older patients. The vast majority of simple hepatic cysts require no treatment or follow-up, ...
Multiple Sclerosis: Causes, Symptoms & Natural Support Strategies Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the myelin sheath on the nerve endings gets inflamed and damaged. This leads to scarring of the neurological tissue in the brain and spinal cord. While the medical...
Conclusion The treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis with(routine) western medicine (combined) Erhuang Formula can relieve neurological symptoms,reduce side effects of hormones and(improve) the rehabilitation. 展开 关键词: multiple sclerosis Erhuang Formula deficiency of liver and kidney yin ...
Alemtuzumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody against the CD52 antigen. It is a highly efficacious drug for the treatment of relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS). The treatment protocol consists in 2 treatment cycles: 12mg/day i.v. infusions for 5 consecutive days and after one-year 12...
the degree of underlyingneurologic symptoms(eg,seizures, intellectual disability).28Best visualized on MR imaging, 90% of subcortical tubers are located in thefrontal lobes, typically show subcortical or cortical T1 hypointensity and T2 hyperintensity, and rarely enhance. The T2 sequences can be ...
and impaired cough are all symptoms that can be palliated through pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic means. Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, in particular, is a technique that not only relieves dyspnea but may also extend the lives of patients who have this disease. It should be offered ...