Here, we show that SHARP1 is an unstable protein that is targeted for proteasomal degradation by the E3 ubiquitin ligase complex SCF beta TrCP. SHARP1 recruits beta TrCP via a phosphodegron encompassing Ser240 and Glu245 which are required for SHARP1 ubiquitylation and degradation. Furthermore, ...
beta-TrCP/E3RS (E3RS) is the F-box protein that functions as the receptor subunit of the SCF(beta-TrCP) ubiquitin ligase (E3). Surprisingly, although its two recognized substrates, IkappaB(alpha) and beta-catenin, are present in the cytoplasm, we have found that E3RS is located predomina...
The N-terminal Phosphodegron Targets TAZ/WWTR1 Protein for SCFβ-TrCP-dependent Degradation in Response to Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Inhibit... Huang W, Lv X, Liu C, Zha Z, Zhang H, Jiang Y, et al. The N-terminal phosphodegron targets TAZ/WWTR1 for SCFbeta-TrCP dependent degradation ...
This SCF complex also recognizes a conserved destruction motif in beta-catenin, a protein with levels also regulated by phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination. Endogenous IkappaBalpha-ubiquitin ligase activity cofractionates with SCFbeta-TRCP. Furthermore, recombinant SCFbeta-TRCP assembled in mammalian ...
Of particular importance is the identification of the E3 Ub-ligases because they confer substrate specificity to the pathways by directly binding to the target protein.;Our work has uncovered specific proteolytic pathways that regulate neuronal function and depend on the SCFbeta-TRCP E3 Ub-ligase ...
Tan M, Gallegos JR, Gu Q, Huang Y, Li J, et al. (2006) SAG/ROC-SCF beta-TrCP E3 ubiquitin ligase promotes pro-caspase-3 degradation as a mechanism of apoptosis protection . Neoplasia 8 : 1042–1054Tan M, Gallegos JR, Gu Q, Huang Y, Li J, Jin Y, Lu H, Sun Y. SAG/ROC-...
Identification of Small Non-Peptidic Ligands that Bind the Scf-beta-TRCP Ubiquitin Ligase to Target to ER for Ubiquitination and DegradationKathleen Sakamoto
2003. Structure of a beta-TrCP1-Skp1-beta-catenin complex: de- struction motif binding and lysine specificity of the SCF(beta-TrCP1) ubiq- uitin ligase. Mol. Cell 11:1445-1456.Wu G, Xu G, Schulman BA, Jeffrey PD, Harper JW, Pavletich NP (2003) Structure of ...
Thus, betaTrCP-DEPTOR-mTOR intertwine to regulate cell survival and autophagy.Zhao YXiong XSun YMolecular cellZhao Y, Xiong X, Sun Y (2011) DEPTOR, an mTOR inhibitor, is a physiological substrate of SCF(betaTrCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase and regulates survival and autophagy. Mol Cell 44(2):...
LinKunmingYangKunmingDigestive Diseases and SciencesHint1 up-regulates Ikappa Balpha by targeting the beta-Tr CP subunit of SCF E3 ligase in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Shi Z,Wu X,Ke Y,et al. Digestive Diseases and Sciences . 2016...