Query statement not updating collection memberships Query to create a collection to get computers with TPM 2.0 and Bios legacy boot Query to find out the free disk space on C: drive Query to Find Software with their Versions Query to get the task sequence deployment run time Query to populate...
Based on your scenario, we can query the view v_GS_SYSTEM_CONSOLE_USAGE_MAXGROUP to get TopConsoleUser0. And hardware serial number change history is stored in v_HS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE. Here is a query to meet your requirements, you can have a try. select sys.Name0, hse.SerialNumber0, ...
SCCM asset intelligence replacemente Hi all, Actually i'm involved with service now people to integrate the plugin with their software, I know that this plugin make query on SCCM database to gain the data about computer object, and their properties, like manufacturer, bios, serial number, etc...
returned: {MDM.MDMServerName=, MDM.MDMServerReachable=true, MDM.Model=, MDM.compliance=[Ljava.lang.String;@533a9de0, MDM.DeviceRegisterStatus=false, MDM.PinLockStatus=false, MDM.Provider=false, MDM.SerialNumber=, MDM.register_url
If you use this modified SQL query, the out of the box SCCM connector can’t be used, and the standard SQL Connection must be used instead. These two additional fields are important for evergreen products like Win 10 and Win 11, without the granularity of Build/KB its unclear if the us...
每天一篇SCCM 2007的系列文章,希望大家喜欢我这样的分享哈~一定要多来捧场哦,当然欢迎大家提问,我尽力...
$QueryString = "" $Count = 0 $DellServiceTags = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $CMServerFQDN -Namespace "Root\SMS\Site_$CMSiteCode" -Class SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE -Filter "Manufacturer LIKE 'Dell%' AND ChassisTypes <> '12'" | Select -ExpandProperty Serialnumber ForEach($ServiceTag ...
inf: {Query Configurability: exit(0x00000000)} 09:26:58.722 sig: {Verify Driver Package: C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD-Drivers\Port\BOX Com\M1BXC03US17\CH341SER.INF} 09:26:58.722 sig: Catalog File: C:\_SMSTaskSequence\OSD-Drivers\Port\BOX Com\M1...
Add a condition via a TS variable <model> or WMI Query (again, covered in the deployment guys post) Task Sequence Variables Task sequence variables are really what give task sequences a bucket load of power, as you can have one TS which accounts for all the variations in your environment...
Query = SELECT __class, __path, __relpath, name, path, lastwritedate, size, companyname, productname, productversion, productlanguage, fileversion, filedescription FROM FileSystemFile WHERE name = '*.exe' and path = '*\\*' and iscompressed = false and isencrypted = false; Timeout =...