$devices=Get-CMDevice|Where-Object{$_.Model-matchLaptop|Notebook} #为这些设备创建集合 New-CMDeviceCollection-Name$deviceCollectionName-QueryExpressionModel=LaptopORModel=Notebook #获取创建的集合对象 $deviceCollection=Get-CMDeviceCollection-Name$deviceCollectionName ...
Model is #4 CPUName is #5 Let’s say I want to change the column to display the CPU first, I would just need to move theCPU.Name0to the first place after SELECT. The rest of the SQL query doesn’t change. SELECTCPU.Name0 AS CPUNameSYS.Name0 AS Name, OS.Caption0 AS OS, CS...
Query for specifically installed Office products - SCCM 2012 query for Total Number of Profiles on a Computer Query last reboot time? Query listing primary user and the primary device Query statement not updating collection memberships Query to create a collection to get computers with TPM 2.0 and ...
Hi - to bulk import, follow this: Run this SQL query against your site database to get a list of applicable MAC addresses: SELECT A.Name0, B.SerialNumber0 , A.Manufacturer0, A.Model0, C.Name0 , D.TotalPhysicalMemory0 , sum(E.Size0) , F.MACAddress0 , F.IPAddress0 , G.AD_...
Add a query rule to your collection's membership rule and add the "user resource / security group name" criteria. Regards, My technet galleries contributions :ConfigMgr driver injector//SCCM Collection splitter Wednesday, June 12, 2013 4:06 PM ✅Answered |6 votes ...
THEN 'Physical' ELSE '_NI' END, SYS.Operating_System_Name_and0 as 'OS', OPSYS.Caption0 as 'OS Caption', CSYS.Manufacturer0 as 'CManufacturer', CSYS.Model0 as 'Model', MEM.TotalPhysicalMemory0 as 'TotalPhysicalMemory', Processor.Manufacturer0 as 'ProcessorManufacturer', CP.NameCPU AS '...
If the files are not getting processed then we need to make sure that the component SMS_SOFTWARE_INVENTORY_PROCESSOR. In certain circumstances a site reset can also help. Links https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb693889.aspx:Overview of Inventory ...
string packageQuery = "SELECT PackageID FROM SMS_ObjectContentInfo WHERE ObjectID='" + application.PropertyList["ModelName"] + "'"; IResultObject packages = this.sccmConnection.QueryProcessor.ExecuteQuery(packageQuery); List<string> idList = new List<string>(); if (package...
right join v_GS_Processor CPU on CPU.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID right join v_GS_SYSTEM_ENCLOSURE SE on SE.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID where LDisk.DriveType0 =3 group by CS.Name0, CS.domain0, CS.Username0, BIOS.SerialNumber0, SE.SerialNumber0, CS.Manufacturer0, CS.Model0, OS.Capt...
Query to create a collection to get computers with TPM 2.0 and Bios legacy boot Query to find out the free disk space on C: drive Query to Find Software with their Versions Query to get the task sequence deployment run time Query to populate a collection based on computer model Querying fo...