Query serial number vs computer name QUERY to find all clients with STATIC IP configured RamDiskTFTPWindowSize Maximum Value? RegTask: Failed to refresh site code. Error: 0x8000ffff Reinstall Client with Powershell Remote Assistance fails with DCOM error Remote configuration failed on WSUS Server, ...
$CollectionName='CollectionName'$file="Csv report file path"$SiteServer='SCCMSERVER'$SiteCode='YourSCCMSiteCode'#Get the collection using WMI$Collection= get-wmiobject -ComputerName$siteServer-NameSpace"ROOT\SMS\site_$SiteCode"-Class SMS_Collection | where {$_.Name-eq"$CollectionName"}#Get the...
vSoftware.Name=MicrosoftOffice2016 4.4.2报告设计步骤: 步骤1:在SCCM控制台中,选择“创建报告”并切换到“自定义报告查询”选项。 步骤2:输入或粘贴上述SQL查询语句。 步骤3:在“报告设计”页面,可以调整列的显示,例如将“ComputerName”设置为报告的第一列,而“SoftwareVersion”和“OperatingSystem”设置为后续列...
创建方式类似第5步,创建一个新的GPO。 依次选择Computer Configuration—>Policies—>Administrative Templates—>Windows Components—>Windows Update。 右键点击编辑Enable client-side targeting,启用该功能。在Target group name for this computer中输入相关的GPO Name。这是WSUS中将要添加这些计算机的部署环的名称。 在...
SCCM 2012 Device Collection query for computer Name SCCM 2012 Device Collection Query on Multiple AD Security Groups SCCM 2012 Device Collection with Silverlight installed SCCM 2012 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS write protection SCCM 2012 host process for microsoft configuration manager high CP...
On the client computer, firstlaunch the Software Center. Once the Software Center has been opened, select Windows 11 (business editions), version 22H2 update by clicking theUpdatestab. Click on the Install button to begin the Windows 11 22H2 upgrade. ...
Standard SQL Query This is the standard SQL query used in the OOTB SQL connector, included here for reference. SELECT cmp.machineid AS MachineID,LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(ISNULL(cmp.Name00, 'Unknown computer'))), 256) AS ComputerName, LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(CASE WHEN cmp.domain00 IS NULL THEN 'Unknown...
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess or by obtaining the feature from windows update Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All Neither worked. Both returned the error 3017, which basically means “something broke, you need to ...
On the client computer, firstlaunch the Software Center. Once the Software Center has been opened, selectFeature Update to Windows 10 Version 22H2 x64-based systems 2022-10 via Enablement Packageupdate by clicking theUpdatestab. Click on theInstallbutton. ...
Computer Configuration\\Windows Settings\\Security Settings\\Local Policies\\Security Options\\Network security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos:AES128_HMAC_SH1, AES256_HMAC_SHA1, Future encryption types selected As configured, this setting has the ...