v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM v_GS_PROCESSOR How do you query 4 view? Using a JOIN clause. The Join clause is used to combine rows from two or more views, based on a related column between them. I won’t describe all the differences between all the JOIN (LEFT, INNER, OUTER…). There are ...
$ComputerName=Workstation1 $WmiQuery=SELECT*FROMWin32_ComputerSystemWHEREName=$ComputerName #执行WMI查询 $WmiResult=Get-WmiObject-Query$WmiQuery #输出结果 $WmiResult|Select-ObjectName,Manufacturer,Model,TotalPhysicalMemory|Export-Csv-PathC:\temp\ActualHardware.csv-NoTypeInformation ...
Information about a specific file on a specific computerFile('c:\\path\\file.exe')| where (Device == ''DeviceName') Information about a specific fileFile('c:\\path\\file.exe') Find the Google Chrome Home PageRegistry('hklm:\software\polices\google\chrome') | where Property == ('Home...
Standard SQL Query This is the standard SQL query used in the OOTB SQL connector, included here for reference. SELECT cmp.machineid AS MachineID,LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(ISNULL(cmp.Name00, 'Unknown computer'))), 256) AS ComputerName, LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(CASE WHEN cmp.domain00 IS NULL THEN 'Unknown...
Query returns of course lots of other data also, which will be supressed from final version, but what causes these multiple hits on single machine ? select SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Domain, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Manufacturer, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Model, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER...
Query returns of course lots of other data also, which will be supressed from final version, but what causes these multiple hits on single machine ? select SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Domain, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Manufacturer, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Model, SMS_G_System_COMPUTER...
In my task sequence there is a step to read the computer model which then corresponds to the folder structure below Out-of-Box Drivers. Unfortunately Devices made by HP get imported below Hewlett-Packard instead of HP and are therefore not found during OSD. Is there anything I can do abou...
To install special software on all portable devices of the company it was necessary to build an SCCM collection, which would include all laptops (an other portable mobile systems) in a corporate network. At once I could not find the system property to explicitly identify a computer as a lapto...
RIGHT JOIN v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM CSYS on SYS.ResourceID = CSYS.ResourceID ORDER BY CSYS.Manufacturer0, CSYS.Model0, SYS.Netbios_Name0 NOTE: This query only displays machines that are reporting Manufacturer and Model by using the RIGHT JOIN. ...
WMI Query for VMware: select Model from Win32_ComputerSystem where Model = "VMware Virtual Platform" NOTE: For VMware I choose not to detect any drivers and do NOT install unsigned drivers under the Apply Device Drivers step. Else the machine would detect the wrong drivers and Blue Screen ...