Query for collection "Quick Fix Engineering" Query for Last Boot Time or Last Restart Time Query for Last Communicated Time Query for specifically installed Office products - SCCM 2012 query for Total Number of Profiles on a Computer Query last reboot time? Query listing primary user and the pri...
MSI (s) (DC:D8) [10:40:21:317]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: E:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\MicrosoftPolicyPlatformSetup.msi has a digital signature MSI (s) (DC:D8) [10:40:21:413]: SOFTWARE RESTRICTION POLICY: E:\WINDOWS\ccmsetup\MicrosoftPolicyP...
WindowsInstaller.Database db = installer.OpenDatabase(txtMSILocation.Text, 0); ///select properties from the MSI and set text boxes with those values string query = "SELECT Value FROM Property WHERE Property='ProductName'"; WindowsInstaller.View view = db.OpenView(query)...
<![LOG[MSI log file: C:\Windows\ccmsetup\Logs\client.msi.log]LOG]!><time="07:33:00.130+420" date="03-20-2019" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="3388" file="ccmsetu...
So when it is asked to open the MSI file, it’s looking in the wrong place; hence error code 1619. The file can’t be opened because it can’t be found. As a workaround you could targeted the 64-bit systems that needs 32-bit JRE by configuring the program to run under the user...
MSI: Setup could not compile Sql CE script file%windir%\CCM\DDMCache.sqlce.The error code is 80040E14. If an application is in a partly compliant state, the client sees that a dependency is installed. Still, the main application is not and requires re-enforcement. Available deployment caus...
Technically it is the product for the “Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component” but it does the trick. All done for the detection method Set whatever user experience you like, again I like stealthy ninja deployments. We also should add a requirement for x64 OS, just in case. ...
: GPO \"UpdateChannel\" - HKLM\\software\\policies\\microsoft\\office\\16.0\\common\\officeupdate!updatebranch : \"UpdateURL\" or UpdatePath=\"\\\Server\\Share\" HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Office\\ClickToRun\\Configuration UnmanagedUpdateURL - HKLM\\SOFTWAR...
The Windows Installer, however, is a 64-bit process. So when it is asked to open the MSI file, it’s looking in the wrong place; hence error code 1619. The file can’t be opened because it can’t be found. As a workaround you could targeted the 64-bit systems that needs 32-bit...