函数 Inmathematical optimization, theRosenbrock functionis a non-convex functionused as aperformance test problemfor optimizationalgorithmsintroduced byHoward H. Rosenbrockin 1960.[1]It is also known asRosenbrock's...
1. The Rosenbrock function Chebfun can often do quite a good job of minimizing or maximizing a function defined on a 2D rectangle. A famous challenging example is the "Rosenbrock function": f = @(x,y) (1-x).^2 + 100*(y-x.^2).^2; ...
1.Rosenbrock function is taken for example,antibodies evolutionary process and population distribution character have been simulated while in solving the maximum of Rosenbrock function.利用免疫算法对多峰值函数进行多峰值搜索及全局寻优能力,运用Matlab编程实现基于信息熵的免疫算法来求解Rosenbrock函数全局最大值,并...
The Rosenbrock function, f(x,y)= 2 (1-x) +100 2 (y- 2 x ) , is a classic test function in optimisation theory. It is sometimes referred to as Rosenbrock's banana function due to the shape of its contour lines. The global minimum is at the point ...
RosenbrockFunctionSelf-AdaptiveMutationEliminationMechanismThe Rosenbrock function optimization belongs to unconstrained optimization problems, and its global minimum value is located at the bottom of a smooth and narrow valley of the parabolic shape. It is very difficult to find the global minimum value ...
Step by step numerical computation of genetic algorithm for solving the banana function will be briefly explained. The results shows that The Rosenbrock function has a known global minimum at [1 , 1] with an optimal function value of zero. 展开 ...
摘要: In mathematical optimization, the Rosenbrock function is a non-convex function used as a performance test problem for optimization algorithms introduced by Howard H. Rosenbrock in 1960[1]. It is also known as Rosenbrock's valley or Rosenbrock's banana function....
Main file :rbrock.gms $title Rosenbrock Test Function (RBROCK,SEQ=83)$onText A Classical Unconstrained Test Problem. Rosenbrock, H H, An Automatic Method for finding the Greatest or least value of a function. Computer Journal 3 (1960), 175-184. Keywords: nonlinear programming, Rosenbrock fun...
Rosenbrock function is taken for example,antibodies evolutionary process and population distribution character have been simulated while in solving the maximum of Rosenbrock function. 利用免疫算法对多峰值函数进行多峰值搜索及全局寻优能力,运用Matlab编程实现基于信息熵的免疫算法来求解Rosenbrock函数全局最大值,并...