ros::Time t1 = ros::Time::now() - ros::Duration(5.5); //t1是5.5s前的时刻,Time加减Duration返回都是Time ros::Time t2 = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(3.3);//t2是当前时刻往后推3.3s的时刻 ros::Duration d1 = t2 - t1;//从t1到t2的时长,两个Time相减返回Duration类型 ros::Dura...
你可以使用来获取当前时间。 python def get_current_time(self): current_time = return current_time 处理获取到的时间数据(如格式转换): 如果你需要将时间数据转换为特定格式(例如,转换为秒、毫秒或纳秒),你可以使用Time类的属性。例如,to_sec()方法可以将时间转换...
auto node = rclcpp::Node::make_shared("time_example"); // 获取当前时间。 rclcpp::Time now = node->now(); RCLCPP_INFO(node->get_logger(), "Current time: %lld ns", now.nanoseconds()); // 进行时间计算。 rclcpp::Time future = now + rclcpp::Duration::from_seconds(5); RCLCPP_INFO...
如果您正在播放带有 rosbag 播放的包文件,则使用 --clock 选项将在播放包文件时运行时钟服务器。 最简单的案例演示: ROS1 roscpp 代码语言:javascript 复制 //Get the time and store it in the time variable.ros::Time time=ros::Time::now();//Wait a duration of one second.ros::Duration d=ros:...
ros::Time right_now = ros::Time::now(); // 打印在控制台终端,其中toSec()与sec是以秒的形式输出,但是注意返回的类,前者为double型,后者为int32 ROS_INFO("当前时刻:%.2f",right_now.toSec()); ROS_INFO("当前时刻:%d",right_now.sec); ...
t = ros2time(node,"now") t =struct with fields:MessageType: 'builtin_interfaces/Time' sec: 1725565116 nanosec: 129029116 Create a stamped ROS 2 point message. Specify theheader.stampproperty with the current system time. point = ros2message("geometry_msgs/PointStamped"); point.header.stamp...
Time(0):是tf缓存里的第一个tf信息。 now():是当前这个时间的tf信息。 节点,具有唯一名 消息,是一种数据结构;消息类型为 功能包名和.msg文件名的组合,比如std_msgs/msg/String,msg 文件的消息类型为 std_msgs/String 服务,服务消息类型是功能包名和.srv文件名的组合,比如 chapter_turorials/srv/chapter_srv....
I just haven't had time. Wait, I'm confused. If we were to backport this, wouldn't we be breaking compatibility in old distributions? That is, anything that called PushRosNamespace before would now break, right? Member Author wjwwood commented Sep 27, 2022 This pr doesn't break API,...
Pull requests1 Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options New issue Merged clalancettemerged 1 commit intoros2fromrcutils-system-time-now Jun 2, 2017 +2−2 clalancettecommentedJun 2, 2017• edited Signed-off-by: Chris ...
ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now(); 注:如果使用的是模拟时间,now在/clock话题接收到第一个消息之前都会返回0 2.2 定义类对象 ros::Time::Time(uint32_t_sec,uint32_t_nsec) ros::Time::Time(double t) ros::Duration::Duration(uint32_t_sec,uint32_t_nsec) ...