builtin_interfaces/Time stamp int32 sec uint32 nanosec string frame_id Pose pose Point position float64 x float64 y float64 z Quaternion orientation float64 x 0 float64 y 0 float64 z 0 float64 w 1 builtin_interfaces/Duration navigation_time int32 sec uint32 nanosec builtin_interfaces/Du...
builtin_interfaces 是 ROS2 中已有的消息接口功能包,其时间接口 Time 可表示记录信息的时间。 rosidl_default_generators 用于将自定义的消息文件转换为C++、Python 源码的模块。 ros2 pkg create status_interfaces --build-type ament_cmake --dependencies rosidl_default_generators builtin_interfaces --license ...
t = ros2time(node,"now") t =struct with fields:MessageType: 'builtin_interfaces/Time' sec: 1725565116 nanosec: 129029116 Create a stamped ROS 2 point message. Specify theheader.stampproperty with the current system time. point = ros2message("geometry_msgs/PointStamped"); point.header.stamp...
builtin_interfaces/Duration navigation_time int32 sec uint32 nanosec builtin_interfaces/Duration estimated_time_remaining int32 sec uint32 nanosec int16 number_of_recoveries float32 distance_remaining 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2...
ros2 interface show builtin_interfaces/msg/Time 1. 结果如下: # Time indicates a specific point in time, relative to a clock's 0 point. # The seconds component, valid over all int32 values. int32 sec # The nanoseconds component, valid in the range [0, 10e9). ...
builtin\_interfaces/Time stamp int32 sec uint32 nanosec string frame\_id # MetaData for the map MapMetaData info builtin\_interfaces/Time map\_load\_time int32 sec uint32 nanosec float32 resolution uint32 width uint32 height geometry\_msgs/Pose origin ...
builtin_interfaces/Time stamp int32 sec uint32 nanosecstringframe_id # the first rayinthe scan. # #inframe frame_id, angles are measured around # the positive Z axis (counterclockwise,ifZisup) # with zero angle being forward along the x axis ...
看完上面的结果,除了基本类型string和我们发现还有一层builtin_interfaces/Time,我们再查看一下这个接口类型。结果如下:我们发现结果全都是基本类型了,终于我们把套娃给解开了。3.接口类型总结 通过基本类型的组合,可以构成一个新的数据类型,而新的数据类型又可以和基本类型或者另外一个数据类型互相组成...
time.sec = static_cast<builtin_interfaces::msg::Time::_sec_type>(now.count() / 1000000000); time.nanosec = now.count() % 1000000000; } } void draw_on_image(cv::Mat & image, const std::string & text, int height) { cv::Mat c_mat = image; ...
(std_msgs::Time_<std::allocator<void> > const&, builtin_interfaces::msg::Time_<std::allocator<void> >&)'/usr/bin/ld: libros1_bridge.so: undefined reference to`ros1_bridge::Factory<arl_unity_ros::JointDescription_<std::allocator<void>>, arl_unity_ros::msg::JointDescription_<std::...