from=singlemessage 虽然是做chip-seq的,而且chip-seq的流程非常亲民,但是也介绍了gtf文件格式的构建问题。如果saf文件还不能用,我就还是构建个gtf文件吧。。更新,saf又可以用了,还是用saf比较简单。 介绍GTF格式,里面有一个enhancer的gtf,但是我也没看懂。。。 DEseq...
RNA-Seq Tutorial 1 RNA-Seq TutorialsGarbe, JohnSystems, Support
bgm: G.E.M. 鄧紫棋《老人與海 OLD MAN & SEA》Official Music Video | Chapter 09 | 啓示錄 REVELATIONrepo: 1187description: Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource, 视频播放量 24、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投
2.2 Click “My submission” 2.3 Come into the Submission Portal page as the picture presented below. 2.4 Create a "BioProject”first 2.5 After finish these steps, then you will get a BioProject numberstart with PRJNAxxx, example number: PRJNA123456 Ⅲ. Uploading the RNAseq rawdata 3.1 Get ba...
One you have an R environment appropriatley set up, you can begin to import thefeatureCountstable found within the5_final_countsfolder. This tutorial will useDESeq2to normalize and perform the statistical analysis between sample groups. Be sure to know the full location of thefinal_counts.txtfi...
wget 解压测试数据。应该看到6组成对的 fastq文件。上面的每个样本复制都有一个。我们有6对(12个文件),因为在fastq格式中,每个读对(片段)的读1和读2存储在单独的文件中。 tar -xvf HBR_UHR_ERCC_ds_5pc.tar ...
Current best practices in single-cell RNA-seq analysis: a tutorial 摘要 这篇文章主要阐述了一个典型的单细胞 RNA-seq 分析的详细流程,包括了以下流程: pre-processing -数据预处理 quality control -质量控制 normalization -数据标准化 data correction -数据修正(batch correction, noise correction, etc.) ...
1.RNA-seq背景介绍2.RNA-seq实验方法简介3.RNA-seq分析流程4.从头到尾理解转录组 转录起始位点、转录过程反义RNA调控及选择性polyA加尾 2 RNA-seq背景介绍 3 基因和环境共同作用决定表型 基因型 DNAsequencing RNA-seq 中心法则:基因表达产生蛋白质 影响基因表达 表观遗传:DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰等 环境 ChIP-...
The reads are paired-end 101-mers generated on an Illumina HiSeq instrument. The test data has been pre-filtered for reads that appear to map to chromosome 22. Lets copy the raw input data to our tutorial working directory. echo$RNA_DATA_DIRmkdir -p$RNA_DATA_DIRcd$RNA_DATA_DIRwget htt...
RNA Seq 数据分析 RNASeq:A(soontobeoutdated)Tutorial ABriefHistoryofSequencingandGeneExpression TagBasedSequencingApproachesFrederick“Fred”Sanger SerialAnalysisofGeneExpression(SAGE)CapAnalysisofGeneExpression(CAGE)Massivelyparallelsignaturesequence(MPSS)HybridizationBasedGeneExpressionQuantification LimitationsofSanger...