single-cell dissociation, single-cell isolation, library construction, and sequencing 分别为以上四步走 As a first step, asingle‐cell suspension is generatedin a process called single‐cell dissociation in which the tissue is digested. plate-based & droplet-based 但是都存在问题,In both cases, err...
Current best practices in single‐cell RNA‐seq analysis: a 单细胞RNA测序(scRNA-seq )是一个飞速发展的领域,该技术帮助科研人员从一堆细胞(bulk)水平精细到单细胞(single-cell)水平研究基因的表达状态,从而可以更加精细的刻画科研对象的分子状态(例...
本篇文章讲解了单细胞RNA-seq的一般分析流程,当然文中还推荐了分析的课程:单细胞课程,这个课程讲的还是比较基础的,比较适合初学者入坑 《Tutorial: guidelines for the computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data》 Introduction 目前基于单细胞测序主要有两种建库技术,一种是主打细胞数量的10X platform,...
文献阅读-《Tutorial: guidelines for the computational analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data》 文献名称:教程:单细胞 RNA 测序数据的计算分析指南 文献期刊:nature protocols 发表时间:2021-1-9 摘要 单细胞 RNA 测序技术 (scRNA-seq) 是一种流行且功能强大的技术,可以分析大量单个细胞的整个转录表达谱。...
Single-cell RNA sequencing is at the forefront of high-resolution phenotyping experiments for complex samples. Although this methodology requires specialized equipment and expertise, it is now widely applied in research. However, it is challenging to create broadly applicable experimental designs because ...
115kAccesses 158Altmetric Metrics Abstract Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) is a popular and powerful technology that allows you to profile the whole transcriptome of a large number of individual cells. However, the analysis of the large volumes of data generated from these experiments require...
Detailed workflow tutorial 35:53 9 The Beginner's guide to bulk RNA sequencing vs single-cell RNA Sequencing 12:24 10 Single-cell Trajectory analysis using Monocle3 and Seurat _ Step-by-step tuto 48:43 11 Automatic cell-annotation for single-cell RNA-Seq data using a reference data 34:12...
Luecken MD, Theis FJ (2019) Current best practices in single-cell RNA-seq analysis: a tutorial. Mol Syst Biol 15 Google Scholar Neu KE, Tang Q, Wilson PC, Khan AA (2017) Single-cell genomics: approaches and utility in immunology. Trends Immunol 38:140–149 Article CAS PubMed PubMed...
The single-cell RNA sequencing method can be applied to various research interests. In organ development, seemingly histologically identical tissues will eventually differentiate in various directions forming specific cell types with unique functions. Through scRNA-seq, understanding of unique gene expression...
只有下水才会学会游泳,今天我想下水了。首先本人对单细胞测序数据的处理一无所知,但看过一些单细胞测序的文章,有一些R语言基础和跑过一些RNA-seq上游分析的经验,流程是跑过但debug是全不会。 框架 1. 单细胞样本的准备: 无论是哪种生信数据分析都非常依赖于良好的测序数据。这里的良好不仅仅是建库和测序整个过程...