Grindberg RV, Yee-Greenbaum JL, McConnell MJ et al (2013) RNA-sequencing from single nuclei. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110:19802–19807. : 10.1073/pnas.1319700110 CentralGrindberg RV et al (2013) RNA-sequencing from single nuclei. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110:19802...
3. Grindberg RV, Yee-Greenbaum JL, McConnell MJ, Novotny M, O’Shaughnessy AL, Lambert GM, et al. RNA-sequencing from single nuclei. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2013;110(49). 4. Thrupp N, Frigerio S, Wolfs L, Skene NG, Fattorelli N, Poovathingal S,...
3. Grindberg RV, Yee-Greenbaum JL, McConnell MJ, Novotny M, O’Shaughnessy AL, Lambert GM, et al. RNA-sequencing from single nuclei. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [Internet]. 2013;110(49). 4. Thrupp N, Frigerio S, Wolfs L, Skene NG, Fattorelli N, Poovathingal S,...
6.Rashel V Grindberg et al., RNA-sequencing from single nuclei. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 3;110(49):19802-7. 7. Naomi Habib et al., Div-Seq: Single-nucleus RNA-Seq reveals dynamics of rare adult newborn neurons. Science. 2016 Aug 26;353(6302):925-8. 8. Haojia Wu ...
It has recently been established that synthesis of double-stranded cDNA can be done from a single cell for use in DNA sequencing. Global gene expression can be quantified from the number of reads mapping to each gene, and mutations and mRNA splicing variants determined from the sequence reads....
UDA-seq: universal droplet microfluidics-based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale multimodal single-cell sequencing UDA-seq incorporates a post-indexing step to enhance the throughput of droplet-based single-cell multimodal sequencing, enabling efficient large-scale single-cell analysis. Yun Li , ...
Single-nuclei RNA sequencing characterizes cell types at the gene level. However, compared to single-cell approaches, many single-nuclei cDNAs are purely intronic, lack barcodes and hinder the study of isoforms. Here we present single-nuclei isoform RNA sequencing (SnISOr-Seq). Using microfluidics...
同时该方案可以适用于其他冷冻组织样本,例如脂肪组织。相关工作以“Isolation of Nuclei from Human Snap-frozen Liver Tissue for Single-nucleus RNA Sequencing”为题发表于Bio-protocol。 一、材料与试剂 1. 100×15毫米培养皿(Corning,Falcon,目录号:351029)...
Single-nucleus RNA-sequencing (snRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful approach to interrogating the underlying transcriptional landscape of the cellularly-complex human brain. SnRNA-seq has been used to study AD in different cohorts and brain regions, including the entorhinal cortex15, temporal neocorte...
Single-cell RNA sequencing methods Several methods, full-length or tag-based, were published under scRNA-seq where each protocol offers its own advantages and applicability. Generally, scRNA-seq includes four steps: (a) single cells or single nuclei isolation and lysis from extracellular matrix and...