rna-seq数据分析基本流程 英文版 RNA-Seq Data Analysis: A Basic Workflow RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) has revolutionized the field of genomics, providing unprecedented insights into gene expression patterns. The basic workflow for RNA-Seq data analysis involves several crucial steps, each crucial for ...
RNA-seq 分析内容包括序列比对、转录本拼接、表达定量、差异分析、融合基因检测、可变剪接、RNA 编辑和突...
── new_workflow/ │ └── annotation/ <- Genome annotation file (.GTF/.GFF) │ │ └── genome/ <- Host genome file (.FASTA) │ │ └── input/ <- Location of input RNAseq data │ │ └── output/ <- Data generated during processing steps │ ├── 1_initial_qc/ <- ...
FASTA) │ │ └── raw_data/ <- Location of input RNAseq data │ │ └── output/ <- Data generated during processing steps │ ├── 01.fastqc/ <- Main alignment files for each sample │ ├── 02.trim/ <- Log from running STAR alignment step │ ├── 03.sortrRNA/ <- ...
菜单栏的Analysis选项卡里面,可以查看network的一些信息,包括nodes、edges、degree、PPI富集分数的P值等,同时也能查看GO和KEGG功能富集信息及其他信息 Clusters选项卡,是将PPI网络进行聚类,点击APPLY。通过聚类后,蛋白通过聚类形成不同颜色的成簇分布的蛋白互作网络图。
Analyzing RNA-seq data with DESeq2(五) Standard workflow Quick start Here we show the most basic steps for a differential expression analysis. There are a variety of steps upstream of DESeq2 that result in the generation of counts or estimated counts for each sample, which we will discuss ...
课件:5. RNA-Seq数据分析 生物信息学进展(5)RNA-Seq数据分析 李国亮2014-03-18 1 提示 •我在服务器上建立了两个目录:tools和genome•现将FastQC、Trimmomatic、bwa、bowtie、bedtools和samtools放在tools目录中,将拟南芥、果蝇、人类基因组序列放在genome目录中•大家可以共同使用。现在,大家已经练习过数据...
Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud. Educational tutorials and working pipelines for RNA-seq analysis including an introduction to: cloud computing, critical file formats, reference genomes, gene annotation, expression, diff
UDA-seq: universal droplet microfluidics-based combinatorial indexing for massive-scale multimodal single-cell sequencing UDA-seq incorporates a post-indexing step to enhance the throughput of droplet-based single-cell multimodal sequencing, enabling efficient large-scale single-cell analysis. Yun Li , ...
Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology provides an excellent platform for measuring the expression profiles of genes in heterogeneous cell populations. Multiple tools for the analysis of scRNA-seq data have been developed over the years. The tools require complicated commands and steps to ...