A third strand of delta-SES research asks whether the sediment balance of deltas will be sustainable given increasing societal impacts and sea level rise. This research is not explicitly labelled as SES research, and some studies only look at one way impacts. However, the most integrative studie...
Search-and-replace genome editing without double-strand breaks or donor DNA. Nature. 2019;576(7785):149–57. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Baba T, Momen M, Campbell MT, Walia H, Morota G. Multi-trait random regression models increase genomic prediction accuracy for a ...
RNA-seq-based assays have been used to identify active enhancers by detecting the expression levels of eRNAs [85]. It is worth noting that the expression level of eRNAs is relatively low, the detection
Alternatively, the disparate findings may be the result of a signal-to-noise problem that can only be overcome with larger sample sizes. Additional studies like the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium 2 and the Stroke Genetics Network Study (which was sponsored by the National Institute of ...
[134]. These alternative perspectives emphasise the adaptive nature of certain phenotypes like attention, perception, learning, memory, and problem solving that emerge following adversity. They acknowledge that individuals who have experienced adversity may develop unique traits, skills, or coping ...
However, this problem can be resolved by using the genomic features defined first in the aggregated (merged) single-cell data set and then by quantifying the variance among individual cells in these regions10,11,13,15. Considering this, we developed an updated pipeline for scCOOL-seq to ...
, in many regions of Africa with stable economies, migration is due to low salary for professionals [49]. The migration problem is prevalent in medicine and other scientific fields [85]. Several groups have suggested that brain drain is one major cause of scientific diasporas between ...
Sung P: Catalysis of ATP-dependent homologous DNA pairing and strand exchange by yeast RAD51 protein. Science. 1994, 265: 1241-1243. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Baumann P, Benson FE, West SC: Human Rad51 protein promotes ATP-dependent homologous pairing and strand transfer reactions in...
A tool to assess nutritional status in older persons was really needed. It took 5 years to design the MNA® (Mini Nutrition Assessment) tool, complete
In: Wingstrand KG (ed) Bertil Hanström zoological papers. Göteborg, pp 269–277 Tausk M, Thijssen JHH, Wimersma Greidanus TB van (1986) Pharmakologie der Hormone. Thieme, Stuttgart Google Scholar Tepperman FS, Hirst M, Gowdey CW (1981) Hypothalamic injection of morphine: feeding ...