ImportanceThe degree of “importance” of this probe compared to its neighbours. Higher values indicate greater importance; more important probes will have priority over less important one in cases where an object is within range of two or more probes. This setting also affects theBlending, explain...
Reflection probes Version:2019.3 Idioma:Español Unity User Manual (2019.3) Gráficos Iluminación (Lighting) Global Illumination (Iluminación Global) Reflection probes Las animaciones o películas de CG (computación gráfica) comúnmente tienen reflejos altamente realistas, lo cual es importante para ...
Unity Manual Unity Manual Working In Unity Unity 2D Graphics Graphics Overview Lighting Cameras Materials, Shaders & Textures Terrain Engine Tree Editor Particle Systems Textures and Videos Image effects overview Reflection probes Types of Reflection Probe Using Reflection Probes Advanced Reflection Probe ...
Unity3D - 反射(Refrections) 源或通过在场景中添加ReflectionProbe来改变这种默认效果。 反射探针(ReflectionProbes) 通常,一个对象在Unity场景中简单地反射出Skybox是不好的。在许多...没有足够强大的硬件做到实时的射线追踪反射,我所以们不得不依靠预渲染反射。我们可以使用”Cubemap”,它的6个面来自于Skybox,或者...
参考: 来自:
Shadow Distance—反射阴影距离, 特性和Quality Setting中的特性一样, 数值越小, 在反射画面中阴影显示越近, 但阴影越精细, 调成0会完全关闭阴 影. 参考:
除非应用CullingMask,否则RealtimeProbes会渲染世界上所有可见的GameObject。 此时,我们的“球形反射”将无法正常工作。 球面反射现在看起来更加准确和真实。 那是因为探针与球体在同一位置。 Probe跟踪球体位置并实时渲染周围环境。 我们仅在Sp上使用了ReflectionProbe,因此将边界框的大小减小为Sphere的大小。 我们可以更改...
This indicates to Unity that the objects will not move at runtime. Realtime probes create the cubemap at runtime in the player rather than the editor. This means that the reflections are not limited to static objects and can be updated in real time to show changes in the scene. However...
A reflection probe is like a camera that stores the spherical view of its surroundings as a Cubemap. This Cubemap is then used to provide reflection on the objects having reflective materials. A unity scene can have multiple reflection probes. ...
1.Configuring Reflection Probes 0 If you are using Unity 2019.1 or 2019.2, click here. If you are using Unity 2019.3 or above, click here. By default, any objects that have reflectivity in a scene will reflect the currently assigned Skybox. If the scene is sparsely populated, it’s easy...