The Reading section consists of 40 questions, designed to test a wide range of reading skills. These include reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical argument and recognising writers' opinions, ...
fornothing. very happy, glad 1.Readandanswerthequestions. 1)Whowrotethisletter? 2)Towhomistheletterwritten?Why istheletterwritten? Christina. George.Tothankhimforhishelp andgoodadvice. Step2:Readingathank-youletter 1.ChristinawrotetoGeorgeforadvice. 2.Christina’smumwantedhertospend moretimeathome....
Read for para.4 and answer the following questions.Q1: What is the evidence to show the achievement of the reseach?Q2: Howdoestheauthorshowthe achievement?Read for para.6 and find out Yuan Longping’s dreams.(此部分精读,...
Activity 2: Read for the gist. 1. Read the rubric of Activity 1 and then skim the passage to answer the questions . ● Where are the two passages from ? Who 新客免费下载加入资源篮 开通轻享会员 本次下载免费 付费资料下载券每月到账5张免费资料下载150份/周扫码支付享8折优惠 ...
1.Readthetexttofindoutwhattheauthormeansbythequote“Youarewhatyoueat”.Theauthoractuallymeansthekindsoffoodweeatreflectsomethingaboutourpersonalities,character,andculture.Readingforgist JeanAnthelmeBrillat-Savarin(1755-1826)wasaFrenchlawyerandpoliticianwhowasalsoagreatloveroffood.Hewrotenumerousbooksonmanysubjects...
8、 match the main ideas with each paragraph read the passage and match the main ideascheck the answersget the gist of the posterknow the basic structure of the posterpractise the students ability of reading for gist1min2nd reading: read the first three paragraphs and answer some questions pla...
If you have any questions about the answers, leave a comment below and I’ll try to help. Questions Reading for gist: What is this article mostly about? A superfood call quinoa. A terrible food call quinoa. The benefits of globalization. ...
Reading for gist. Skills building 2: Reading for gist Reading for gist catch the gist or the main point focus on descriptive words or expressions. Unit 8 Phone Calls. How to make a great first impression over telephone? Smile Be polite, courteous and helpful Learning to Listen ...
1.Skimming: readforgist Read the passage and fill in the form Five elements(五要素): When did Gulliver wake up? Where was Gulliver then? Who did Gulliver see on the beach? What did the tiny men do to Gulliver? How did Gulliver feel at the end of the story? 2.Scanning: read fordet...
大概看一看就可以完成的问题、最容易理解到的文章信息被我们称为gist,skimming reading就是reading for gist。学生在考试时,阅读理解题里什么样的题是在问gist呢?要求给这个文章加一个题目,这一题一定是在问gist,即文章大概讲的是什么。这里要提...